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10 reasons my kids will be getting a magazine subscription for Christmas
Two things you need to know before we get into this post: as a child I had subscriptions to 5 magazines, and I carefully stored those magazines until I was in high school. Oh, and as a bonus thing I think magazines are a sneaky way to work on homeschool reading.
{This post is sponsored by Fun for kidz, my kids love their magazines}
And because I’m a kid of the 90s I’m going to start with 10.
And now, not live, from my office I give you the Top 10 Reasons my kids will be getting magazine subscriptions for Christmas
10. Magazine subscriptions are the gift that keeps on giving. Every month or so (depending on your magazine subscription, Hopscotch for Girls, Boy’s Quest, and Fun for Kidz comes out every two months) your child gets a new present in the mail.
9. Getting mail is exciting. My kids WANT to get the mail to see if their magazine has come in today. That means I don’t have to get the mail. It does mean sometimes I can’t find the mail.
8. Magazine subscriptions inspire my kids to do crafts. After reading the latest issue of Hopscotch Princess made her version of the lavender wand craft to give to a friend.
7. Magazine subscriptions are a sneaky way to get reading in. My brother hated to read with a fiery passion, so my Mom gave him a subscription to Nintendo Power because he liked video games, my brother spent hours reading that magazine. In the same way my boys have been studying Boy’s Quest for the past month or so as they read all of the little trivia in there.
6. When my kids get a magazine, all three of my kids enjoy it, so buying a subscription for one child is really a gift for all three kids (and yes I did catch my boys reading Hopscotch and Princess reading Boys’ Quest).
5. A magazine subscription allows your child to pursue interests they have. As a child I loved getting Zillions, it was the kids’ version of Consumer Reports and reviewed toys and talked about how to use your money wisely (Yes, I was a weird child, but they talked about all of these things in an engaging way, savings accounts were discussed like a horse race one year). I also had a subscription to Lefthander’s Magazine, that was fascinating to read about other people who were left-handed. Each month Fun for Kidz has a different theme to learn more about, and my kids have been learning more about their interests.
4. Magazines like Fun for Kidz expands their minds. The riddles, and games are all designed to get your kids thinking (Superman spent 10 minutes trying to find the hidden pictures in one issue of Boys’ Quest because he is not good at visual acuity).
3. After you have read the magazine until it is falling apart, you can use the magazine for crafts and other projects (I’ve already got a few writing prompts in my head from the magazines sitting around right now).
2. One magazine can provide hours of entertainment for my kids. First they read it, next they tell me the jokes from the magazine (yes that means I hear each joke at least THREE TIMES), then they solve the riddles, and then the hidden pictures, the crafts, it goes on forever and ever.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE! And the number one reason I like a magazine subscription for a Christmas present:
- Magazines do not hurt to step on in the middle of the night, unlike Legos which cause me to yell and scream very loudly and wake everyone up.
Bonus reason I forgot to mention: Magazine subscriptions are a no-clutter present. They do not add to the excess of stuff that I’m trying to get rid of.
Are you convinced now you need a magazine subscription for your kids?
I’m glad you are, because I’m using this code ihomeschool for 50% off once you order two subscriptions, I’m ordering a few back issues and wrapping them to put under the tree (and you can too, but the sale does not apply to international shipping), If you’re still not convinced of their awesomeness, if you like their facebook page and send them a message they will send you a free issue (US addresses only).
linked up to: 10 places to Read Aloud
5 responses to “10 reasons my kids will be getting a magazine subscription for Christmas”
My kids love magazines.
Blessings, DawnMy kids love magazine subscriptions, too!
I actually sliced TWO toes open by stepping on the wrong lego the wrong way a couple weeks ago. One toe is still healing. I would say magazines are safer, but I broke my hand the summer after fourth grade by slipping on a magazine and hitting my hand against the wall. A freak accident, but so was the toe slicing. Methinks I am accident prone.
Ouch! And ouch again! Seriously that sounds super painful.
My mum always gets my guys magazine subscriptions for Christmas. We don’t have the same great selection you do, but the children have always enjoyed the nature magazines which are on offer here.
I had a couple of different nature magazines growing up. So far my kids haven’t been attracted to any of the ones I’ve tried, but it’s been a few years, so it might be worth trying again.
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