Making the most of our time

Isn’t there a quote somewhere that says something along the lines of “Make the most of your time for the days are evil,” or is that just in my head?

Either way, this has been a particularly busy month, and I feel rather out of sorts with it, so I’m taking this opportunity to sort myself out and get my thoughts in order by organizing photos and meandering on about them.

welcome center signs

Here’s our collection of Welcome Center signs.  They’re not really put in any order than what I thought looked cool.  I love to stop at Welcome Centers and see what each one has.  Each state has its own personality at their Welcome Centers, and you can learn a little about them.  Some are more welcoming, others are business like, others are quirky.  Each one is different.

Chinese New Year

We got back into town just in time to celebrate Chinese New Year, which Batman was very excited about because of his interest in China.  It was amazing how loud it was and how many fireworks they set off.  All of the kids tried out the mechanical bull, but I only got pictures of Superman and Princess doing it.  Batman had done it earlier with Jeff.  We all enjoyed the celebration, but agreed it was very crowded and loud.  But, it was lots of fun to see.

happy memories

It’s been a busy month of happy memories.  Here’s just a few of them.

The boys got “Nerds are awesome” Muppet cups at Disney world and have quite proudly been using them every since.

Batman attempted to drink half a gallon of milk as we cleared out the frig of our hotel, much to our amusement.

Superman finally got to try soup in a bread bowl and thought it was quite awesome.

We built an exercise ball “snowman” which quite amused me……

We played Castle Panic with the new expansion, and Jeff had fun cheering up an overly dramatic Princess.

Princess helped me make spaghetti sauce.

Mac was cute.  He’s convinced he is a kid too and should sleep in the boys’ room because he’s a boy.  He also quite contentedly lay wrapped up in my blanket, and decided he gets to sit on top of the table too.


We got our Adventurous Mailbox package and the kids all quite excitedly read their introductory letter.  I’ve read the first book about Finland, but I don’t know if they have yet.  I can’t wait to see if they like it as much as I do.

We had two field trips this week, which may be why I feel so tired out.  We went to the police station (you can see the kids trying out the workout equipment) with our church group on Saturday.  Then Tuesday we went down to the state capitol for Space Day (you can see a couple pictures in my Deep Space Nine post).

We learned about Leif Erickson discovering America (bet you didn’t know he had a diamond sword?).  We ran through a Battle of Hastings scenario, you will be happy to know William the Conqueror won again.  That was our entire day Monday, the Battle of Hastings and there’s still about 5 more things I want to do with that ONE lesson.

We watched Justin Morgan Had a Horse after reading the book.  That was a hard one to come up with fun snacks for.

celebrating the boys turning 10

And finally the boys turned 10 this week.  So there’s been lots of celebrating for that.  Tonight is their birthday party, a sleepover party for the first time!  They’ve been very patiently waiting for our birthday presents to get in so they can open them.  They’ve been delayed because of bad weather, as I type this the last one finally got here.  Not too surprisingly they picked to spend the day playing board games, they got one new game and an expansion to games they already had.  Don’t be too surprised to see a few new game reviews in the next month (I’ve got one coming on Monday, and about 3 more to write).

Well, I’ve put off cleaning and all I should be doing for long enough.  Now I can organize all my pictures I’ve taken.  The Space Day alone probably had 60 pictures of activities I want to duplicate when we reach space travel in our astronomy studies.  So much to do so little time.  I wish I could clone myself and then I could complete it all…..


15 responses to “Making the most of our time”

  1. Happy birthday to your boys! I am curious to hear how the sleepover party goes. My sister who lives in China says that there are firecrackers going off there a lot, for all sorts of things.

    1. The last few kids just left. It went really well, the boys ended up finally sleeping around midnight. A few came for just the night, but it was a lot of fun all in all.

  2. Marie-Claude Leroux Avatar
    Marie-Claude Leroux

    Happy Birthday to the boys! Sounds like an incredibly busy, incredibly fun (incredibly exhausting!) month. Cloning to have time to get more done – I like that.

    1. So very exhausting. I was joking with another friend I need a vacation to recover from my vacation.

  3. I love this post! You guys are great and it is so much fun seeing you guys in action! What a great week. Happy birthday, boys.

    1. Awww, thanks! I always go back and forth on whether or not to write posts like these because I don’t want to bore people, but I also need to occasionally get my head in order.

  4. Happy Birthday to Superman and Batman! It does sound like a very busy month. I don’t like it when things get too busy, but they inevitably do here as well.

    1. Yeah, I’m trying hard not to schedule anything for this coming week, but I’m sure I’ve got an event I’ve forgotten about.

  5. Wow you had quite a busy week. Chinese New Year looked fun. I wish I had celebrated.

  6. And happy happy birthday to them both 🙂

  7. The birthday sleep over sounds a blast for the boys but (personally) the very idea makes me shudder and shake! I keep putting off having one here. I’ve only just learnt how to sleep and I might be just a little bit possessive over it!
    Happy birthday to your lovely boys!

    1. In many ways it was easier for me because all I had to do was feed the children and pop in every now and then and say “A little less noise there, a little less noise.”

  8. whew you have been busy!! Looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun!! How fun that you got to go celebrate Chinese New Year!

    1. It was really fun! We’ll also know ahead of time how crowded it will be and be more prepared for that.

  9. Happy birthday to your boys. It looks like it was a fabulous busy month of making memories.

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