Marco Polo unit for elementary

Marco Polo unit

Marco Polo was an interesting man.  As near as I can tell a great deal of why we know SO much about him is because he was amazingly good at self promotion, kind of like Julius Caesar.  Both Italian men kept incredibly detailed journals, and then published them to promote themselves.  In honor of that I opted to give my kids quite a few writing assignments as we studied him.  So our Marco Polo unit is going to be both homeschool history and homeschool writing while we’re at it.

Marco Polo unit

Coming up this week in our Marco Polo unit

Marco Polo books for kids

First, just like all of the other units, we’re going to have some Marco Polo resources (I like my books, and my videos)

marco polo satchel craft

Then we’ll put together a portfolio inspired by Asian art, like one Marco Polo might have carried his documents in.  A fun little homeschool art project.

Marco Polo writing prompt 1

If we have a portfolio, we’ll need something to put in it, so I’ll share with you the Marco Polo writing prompts I created.  We were focusing on using our five senses each day in our writing to improve our writing.

Marco Polo trade market

Marco Polo was famous for his trading, so of course we had to recreate a market Marco Polo might have traded in.  It was quite hilarious to see the kids pretend to trade for items and take turns working in the market.

Marco Polo mapwork

And because it’s me, and I love my maps, we’ll have a fun Marco Polo Lego history lesson.  Just to warn you, in about a week you are going to be inundated with super awesome Lego history lessons.

Marco Polo unit for elementary

If you don’t want to miss a single one of these posts, I highly suggest you sign up for my newsletter.  Once a week (more or less) I email out all of my current posts with a smattering of relevant older posts to keep you busy in your lessons for the week.


2 responses to “Marco Polo unit”

  1. Looking forward to it. A has a similar balance ball that she uses for a chair!

    1. My kids love their balance balls. LOVE them.

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