how to pray for your kids Bible skills

Moms need to constantly pray



Usually I shared Sunday School lessons aimed for kids, but every now and then I have a family discipleship topic I want to share, that isn’t for Sunday School, but for home.

Moms need to constantly pray

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I’ve been reading Give Them Grace* as part of a Facebook book club (update, group is now disbanded), and been struggling through the first few chapters because I kept losing my book (seriously how can I lose one book so often in such a short period of time).

Back to the point, last night I read chapter 5, and I think I heard the light bulb click on, and I knew I needed this printed and pasted all over my house.


That needs to be in capital letters because it’s that important.

One thing they’ve emphasized throughout the book is the importance of prayer for your kids.  Pray they understand God’s grace, pray they respond to Him, pray they grow up strong.  Today, they gave us a framework and some specific goals.  It’s also a handy mnemonic for our tools, which I needed a printable to truly get it down.

The printable is over on the subscriber library, come join the fun!

Management- Basic instruction for daily living

This is just common instructions, that we all need to survive:

  • Don’t hit someone when you’re angry.
  • Follow directions.
  • Congratulate the winner of the game.

Regardless of your belief systems, everyone is teaching their kids this, and in the day-to-day moments, this is the most common parenting  This can frequently lead to other things.  It’s also most common with younger kids, because by the time they’re 10 and older, they most of these things and you’re working on the polishing up.

Nurturing- feeding their souls with grace

Encouragement when their day is hard, or when they’re going to sleep and they are feeling down.  I struggled with how to apply this until I read one of the verses she cited.

Psalms 784

No matter what at the end of the day God loves my child more than I can say.  If I can communicate that, it’s been a good day.

Training- what Jesus has done and why it matters

I think we often can tell our kids the what, but we don’t tell them the why.  And without the why, it’s all words.

Philippians 2 511

Do you see the example Jesus set in these verses?  And the reason why He did?  It’s a great example to strive for.

Correction- correcting him when he doubts or forgets

Just to clear something up, our children are not being punished for doubting or forgetting, but they are being corrected.  At first, when I read the chapter and saw doubts in there I thought “really, you’ll punish someone for questions?” but that wasn’t the point.  The point was to provide correction, just as when a child gets the wrong answer you correct the wrong information.

Moms need to constantly pray office

Are you seeing, why I’ve put reminders up for myself all throughout the house.  It’s to remind ME “Moms need to constantly pray,” because otherwise I will respond incorrectly in a selfish manner.

Promises- teach her God’s promises

If you look through the Bible, and you look at why God has all of the festivals in the Old Testament and why there are the “sacraments” in the New Testament, it’s to remind us of God’s promises.  We are forgetful people, and if we as adults who supposedly know better forget, imagine how much more our kids do…

So I need to take the time to remind myself and remind the kids of God’s promises.

Moms need to constantly pray reminders

And that’s why I’ve taped this up to my rather dirty bathroom mirror, and why I’m writing this post because I need reminders, and I need accountability.  It’s much easier, so much easier to just parent with rules.  You did this thing wrong, so you are in trouble, and this is the response.

how to pray for your kids Bible skills

Instead, I’m trying to remember to always respond with Grace and love.  And it’s so hard, so incredibly hard, and that’s when I need to give myself grace.

I figure there’s more than one Mom out there beyond me who needs this reminder, so if you want your own Moms need to constantly pray printable, just sign up for my newsletter and get access to the Subscriber library with dozens upon dozens of pages, and you can print off as many as you need.  Each sheet has 4 copies, so you can print one sheet and find the four places you most need it.

Moms need to constantly pray printable specific reminder

Follow Ticia Adventures in Mommydom’s board Bible on Pinterest.


6 responses to “Moms need to constantly pray”

  1. I like your distinction between correction and punishment. I certainly need to reflect on that more!

    1. It’s one I have to work on all too often. I keep trying to remember that disciple is very similar to discipline in origin, so any discipline I give my kids should be with a specific aim.

  2. Correcting is so much more effective than punishing, and I think parenting with grace is critical. Nice printable!

    1. Thanks! It really helped me understand the chapter I was reading.

  3. I was blessed and challenged by this post – but the link to the printable did not work for me. Could you please send me a working link. Thank you.

    1. Link should be working now (thanks for letting me know it wasn’t), but just in case here is the link to it:

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