moon booklist astronomy kindergarten

Moon booklist

I had this absolutely amazing Moon booklist that I had put together, and I was so excited by it, and then before I got to the library someone checked out all of the nonfiction moon books on my list. I had five nonfiction books on my moon booklist, and they were all checked out, so I can’t verify how good they are, beyond just I know the author or the series. But enough of my complaining, let’s get to this booklist!

Moon booklist for early elementary

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My Father’s World official Moon book

This slowly growing set of kindergarten booklists comes from when we used My Father’s World kindergarten curriculum, I made book lists for each of them and would buy books at used book stores, and each week would gather all the books for the theme at the library.

The official booklist for Moon is Moonbear’s Shadow, I have another book in this series shared in the fiction book section. I highly recommend all the books in this series.

Moon booklist

Moon nonfiction books

Another sad sigh. I have two theories on what happened to the moon nonfiction books. Either there was someone like me trying to design a moon unit, OR there’s a kid who wants to learn all about the moon and needs ALL THE BOOKS.

What is your take?

Oh, I did find a few other books that aren’t necessarily “Moon,” but Moon adjacent

  • Day and Night– only relevant because the moon is out at night, it’s a very simple book with lessons all about what is active when and what someone is doing at each time of day. Very easy sentences designed for early readers.
  • There was an Old Astronaut who Swallowed the Moon– since this was over by the song section, this wasn’t checked out. It follows the format of the song “I know an Old Lady who swallowed a fly,” and between lines of the song two kids share facts about the solar system. It’s a decent little book.
  • Moon!: Earth’s best friend– I know nothing, it looks cute, I wish it wasn’t checked out
  • Moon: a first look– From knowing about the series in general, it’s a decent early elementary astronomy book
  • The Moon– Seymour Simon is one of the gold standards for early elementary science textbooks, his pictures are amazing, it was checked out
  • The Moon Seems to Change– while I don’t know the book, I know the series is awesome.
  • The Moon Book– If Seymour Simon is the gold standard of photography science, she is the gold standard for illustrated science books, they are amazing
  • You Can’t Ride a Bike to the Moon!– one that wasn’t originally on my list, not for a kindergarten, I’d put it at 3rd grade, and it’s a history of how we got to the moon (total honesty I did not read all of it, just skimmed it)

Okay, now to the books I was actually able to obtain, or that I obtained all that I’m talking about below.

moon booklist astronomy kindergarten

Moon fiction booklist

While I was at the library, I found a couple of books that aren’t on the official booklist I printed off, and a few of the books on the list were checked out, so I’m not talking about them in the post.

  • Moongame– this is part of the Moonbear series, and I think on the actual list I have a different book from the series, but it’s an adorable book about a bear who has made friends with the moon and plays hide and seek.
  • Moon Glowing– a very simple book with paper illustrations talking about how different animals act at night under the glowing moon.
  • Mr. Moon– a cute story of the animals through the night as the moon watches over them.
  • Kitten’s First Full Moon– a Caldecott award, black and white charcoal is my guess for the illustration, and it’s such a sweet story about a little kitten trying to lick the bowl of milk that is the moon
  • Moonshadow’s Journey– nothing to do with the moon, it’s about a swan CALLED Moonshadow, and it’s about him losing his grandfather on the journey South. It’s a good book, just on theme.
  • Owl Moon– a child and the father go through the snow to go watch owls during a full moon. Since it is first-person point of view, and the child is always bundled up for snow weather, I don’t know for sure if the child is a boy or a girl. Wait, the description on the dust jacket says daughter, so there you go! Another Caldecott winner
Moon booklist perfect for My Father's World Kindergarten

More early elementary ideas

Let’s see what I can dig up. I know somewhere I’ve got a bunch of moon activities from when we studied astronomy in 3rd grade.


One response to “Moon booklist”

  1. Natalie PlanetSmarty Avatar
    Natalie PlanetSmarty

    I remember reading some of them with A when she was that young. The Moon Seems to Change is a good one!

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