Mortal Engines book and a movie feature 8th 9th

Mortal Engines book club

This all started when I was looking for a book to give Superman for his birthday. Then I remembered Mortal Engines came out in the theaters and he wanted to see the movie, so inspiration hit. I gave him the first book in the Mortal Engines series, and a few other dystopians. This did mean that right after getting the books I ended up buying the rest of both series. Now we have a Mortal Engines book club to go with our other book and a movies.

Parents, get your kids into books and they won’t have money to buy drugs.

My daughter tells me I make too many drug jokes for a homeschool parent. I told her I grew up in the 80s, it was bound to happen.

Mortal Engines book club for kids

(there are affiliate links in here)

Mortal Engine book club

Superman read this book in about a day, and then raved about the book and how much he enjoyed it. He likes dystopians, and you combine it with a bit of a steam punk aesthetic, and it hits all the buttons everyone likes.

Mortal Engines book club for homeschoolers

Since I didn’t particularly do anything with this, I’m relying on other people for some Mortal Engines book club materials.

Mortal Engines discussion questions

Mortal Engines book and a movie feature 8th 9th

Mortal Engine book club snacks

In reality, these are our Mortal Engines movie night snacks. I was completely reliant on Superman’s suggestions for snacks.

Funny story, we were watching this shortly after Covid and the lockdown had started, and all of my kids shouted out as they saw the people in masks, “Hey they’re wearing masks too!”

Mortal Engines book club snacks
  • Shield Wall- Candy blocks, I’m linking to a 3-pound bag, you can save many of these so you can use it for other book and a movie nights
  • wood- Nutty bars, in this terrible world they live in, finding wood is a big deal
  • Sea of Khazak- Sprite
  • Engineer guild- gingerbread men
  • wolf- these favorite shortbread dog cookies (I totally want to buy this just for the tin
  • rowboat- apple wedges that look vaguely boat like
  • hair removing chemicals- a random assortment of sodas I found
  • historian guild- back when the kids were obsessed with sour patch kids
  • rubber coat- fruit roll-ups
  • cannonball- donut holes

We didn’t really create a meal with this book, instead focusing on a whole bunch of fun snacks.

Some more 8th grade learning fun

(Highly focused towards books we read, or books that are rated for 8th graders)

Mortal Engines book club and movie night

steampunk-mask” by jim68000 is marked with CC BY 2.0.

Steampunk Oamaru 2011” by Alpat is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.


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