My Best Friend’s Wedding

What a crazy busy week this has been.  This time last week I was knee deep in sewing projects that HAD to be finished by Tuesday night, so we could travel up to Dallas for a wedding, now it’s all done but the laundry.  So much laundry.

I’m sure you’re all dying for the pictures, and I really want to share them, so even if you don’t want to, here they are!


Friday we got there and did some decorating, then practiced our parts in the wedding, which the kids did quite smashingly.  No tripping, we ironed out who sat where and how they got there, and all was good.

Princess wedding prep

Saturday morning was a flurry of make up, last minute dress fixes, and lots and lots of hair spray.  Princess was tickled as could be to FINALLY be allowed to wear make-up.  She loved all of the attention and did great putting on mascara, getting her hair done, and was patient as could be.  I may not have been quite as patient, but there’s no pictures to prove otherwise.


I love this picture of Princess and I.  She’s happily showing off her new hairstyle, and I’m telling her something.  It’s just so much fun.


My hairstyle was quite a bit of craziness to get done, I’d managed to leave behind my hairband, but my Mom saved the day showing up 4 hours early to get my hair band to me, and then Tami did a spectacular job on my hair.

pretty Princess

Princess thoroughly entertained many of us bridesmaids as she played, stood on grates and enjoyed her dress billowing up like a cupcake, and just grinned at everyone.


She was so happy to get a picture with Aunt Tara, she was great for pictures.  Her brothers…….  Not so much.

Now while the bridesmaids and bride spent most of the day getting all fancified.  The groomsmen played.

groomsmen ready

They practiced posing with their fake weapons.  “Okay now you hold up the pistol like this, and block the sword as he pretends to attack you.”  This was great because it entertained my boys in what could have been a fairly boring time.

waiting for launch time

It was a day of hurry up and wait, and now hurry again.  But, it was a great day full of laughs.

with Aunt Tara

I got a big kick out of the poor photographer trying to get great pictures of the boys with Tara, and they just weren’t really taking great pictures, no matter how much he tried.  Poor guy, he got all sorts of odd pictures and shadows.

walking down

I walked down with Tara’s cousin Brendan, he’s a great guy who I’ve had a lot of fun hanging out with on random occasions as he came down to visit Tara.  The bottom picture is of the 3 Austin bridesmaids, Amanda, Tami, and me.  We’ve all known each other for 20 years, how’s that for a scary thought?


Funny story, my kids kept getting the idea of bridesmaids and groomsmen all messed up, so I kept getting asked “Who are the groomsmaids?”  And they were quite outraged when I’d laugh.

watching the ceremony

My brother Sean performed the ceremony, which was both cool and a little odd for many people there because they remembered him as a gawky teen who ran into walls and wore mis-matched shoes.


Not so gawky anymore is he?

ring bearer and flower girl

I almost forgot to put in the SUPER adorable ring bearer and flower girl.

The boys did a great job.  As they walked down Superman slipped a step, and so Batman tried to hurry up to catch up with him, then he slipped down the last several steps, and they recovered great, just waiting for their brother to be ready to go again.  The bottom picture they’re catching sight of Aunt Jenn and Mimi (my sister-in-law and Mom) sitting in the aisle, which totally threw them.

Princess was adorable walking down.  She did a great job scattering petals, and when she got to the bottom quite proudly curtsied for all to see.


bride and groom dancing

The bride and groom quite happily danced the night away, with occasional breaks to dance with their parents or a few lucky friends.

He even sang her a song he wrote.  It was absolutely adorable, and Jeff asked to get the mp3 of it, because it’s sooooo sweet.

enjoying the reception

It was a lot of fun at the reception.  I got a fair number of pictures, but not as many good ones as I hoped for.  Sadly, I don’t have a single picture of me with Tara.  Boo hoo.

Jeff and Ticia dancing

But, Jeff and I danced the night away, tried a few called dances, that were a lot of fun, and you could tell it was a great party when we shut down the band (nearly) and I could barely walk at the end of the night from dancing, and those HORRID high heels.

Sigh, so much fun to be had.  I’m sure there’s two million fun memories I’ll think of later to share, but that’s what I got for you for now.


Now to settle back into somewhat normal life.


10 responses to “My Best Friend’s Wedding”

  1. I just LOVED the outfits – what a memorable wedding it must have been. I hope that Tara has a long and happy marriage.

    1. It really was. It really fit the character of the people involved.

  2. What a fun weekend!! I love all of the sweet smiles! What a fun wedding!!

    1. Thanks, the smiles made my day too.

  3. Now that looks like a wedding!! Love the outfits!! That is so cool to have a wedding like that!

    1. It was really a blast.

  4. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    What a fun wedding! I’m going to guess that Princess is already planning her own wedding, based on how clearly she was into being a part of this event!

    1. Ha! Jeff read that comment and said, “Your friends are giving me a scare talking about her wedding.”

  5. So much fun! I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of work that went into pulling all of that off – but it looks great.

  6. Well, I am glad that it turned out so well. I know you all were sweating it for awhile. I have never seen a steampunk wedding before.

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