My Brother's Keep sibling Bible study elementary

My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study

A few months ago I saw a great Bible study offered for siblings.  At the time my kids were in one of their cycles of fighting and it was the perfect thing for our family discipleship, so I grabbed My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study and set the kids to completing it.

My brother's keeper study

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What is My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study?

My Brother’s Keeper* is a Bible study designed for elementary-aged kids to learn how God wants them to treat their siblings.  It’s designed to be four weeks long and completed Monday through Friday.   I had my kids complete it as part of their morning reading hour together.  So, it’s easily completed in 20 minutes time a day.

There are two levels for kindergarten/early elementary and upper elementary.  From what I can see of her other studies (where I have both age levels), the main difference seems to be the writing lines and space for adding pictures.


What does each day’s study of My Brother’s Keeper look like?

My brother's keeper sibling Bible study

Each day has a main passage of scripture it covers.  Some of the days are general scripture about getting along or how God intended people to act towards each other.  The majority of the days cover different sibling relationships in the Bible.

After reading the passage you will have questions to answer (it wouldn’t be a Bible study without them, right?), and those start out as general knowledge questions and then move towards application and finally to prayer.

sibling Bible study
Seriously large amounts of drawing my kids did

My favorite days were the ones that ended with specific assignments, the “what can you do today” type of questions.  On those days in particular I noticed a general change in their attitude and overall I noticed as we went through a general change.

Is the Bible study an instant fix or a permanent fix?

Obviously not, nothing is, but it’s a good reminder for all of us who probably know the answers already, and it brought out some good points for my kids to consider as we went through.

Sometimes your sibling will get the attention (Joseph and Moses), sometimes life will be unfair and you’ll want to act out (Josephs’ brothers), and sometimes you have to wait a long time for God to change things (again Joseph, I mean he waited probably close to 20 or so years).

My Brother's Keeper family Bible study

How can you get My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study?

You can get My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study* over at the store, as I mentioned before they have it available for younger (ages 4-8) and upper elementary (6-14, but I’d realistically say 10 or 12 as the outside age), and there is a combo-pack to get both for a lower price.   Individual studies are $15 and the combo pack is $24.  It’s also available over on Amazon: My Brother’s Keeper (Youth)

My Brother's Keep sibling Bible study elementary


6 responses to “My Brother’s Keeper Bible Study”

  1. This looks really good. Mine tend to get on fairly well, but more teaching in this area never goes amiss, does it? I wonder if I can get it on Amazon?

    1. It is available that way, and I can add the link in.

  2. Yeah, Joseph story is a good example of how NOT to treat your siblings! At least he was a very forgiving person…

    1. Amazingly forgiving, one might say saint-like. 😉

  3. I have my eye on this when the money is available!

    1. I think you’ll really enjoy it once you get it.

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