My dog the classical music listener




Man did he get confused when I started the music on my phone.


8 responses to “My dog the classical music listener”

  1. MaryAnne Avatar

    lol =)

  2. DannieA Avatar

    ha ha….that's like my parents dog that goes 'what the' whenever something happens.

  3. learning table Avatar
    learning table

    So funny! If my husband calls and talks to the answering machine, our dog goes nuts thinking he's home!

  4. At least he didn't eat the phone πŸ™‚

  5. Debbie Avatar

    This is too funny!

  6. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog Avatar
    Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    ROFL!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  7. Sandra's Fiberworks Avatar
    Sandra’s Fiberworks

    That's too funny. and cute.

  8. We love to freak my parents' cat out by placing the cell phone on the floor, waiting for him to get close enough to sniff at it, and then making it ring…makes him jump every time…(hee! hee!)

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