New Mexico: Roswell

visit Roswell New Mexico

When we were traveling back from California I decided we needed to take a slightly different route back to stop by Roswell, New Mexico.


Why?  For one, the wedding I went to was my college friend who I watched all of the X-Files episodes with.  For another, Roswell is in a Deep Space 9 episode, and for another because it’d be fun.

And I was right.


I let the kids use old phones and cameras and they happily ran around taking pictures.


600 pictures

iphone self portraits

Many of which I deleted for inappropriateness.  I do not want the whole world seeing pictures of my bottom.  I also got a lot of random photos like this.

UFO museum Roswell New Mexico

It’s a good way to find out what fascinated them.  Apparently the alien display was fascinating.  As was the “alien horse,” and they found all of the artistic renderings of aliens intriguing.

aliens in Roswell

We had fun spotting UFOs all over the town.  I challenged them to count all the UFOs and aliens they saw, and they finally quite counting somewhere around 50.



I honestly can’t complain too much about the kids picture taking because I probably took a fair number of shots myself of the articles and papers because I found it fascinating.


Or amusing.  I’ve got great plans for these pictures, I don’t know what I’m going to do with them.  Maybe use them for a DBQ when the kids get older (Document based question, argue a case ONLY using material from the primary sources provided).  I don’t know, but I can think and plan can’t I?


So, I’ve got two questions for you:


1.  Do you believe in aliens?  As we drove off my Mom and I got into a fun debate about it, and the kids and I discussed it too.


2.  What might you use these pictures for if you had them?


6 responses to “New Mexico: Roswell”

  1. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I don’t believe in aliens. But I do think your photos would make a fun I spy collage!

    1. Ooohhhh, that’d be a fun idea!

  2. I knew we would be great friends in real life! I didn’t know you liked the X-files. Mark and I love it and I have to admit, since my boys have started watching so much Star Trek I have gotten all wrapped up in it.

    Nope, don’t believe in aliens, although I do believe that if they were created it would be by God and that’s it really something I don’t have to worry about.

  3. Aliens? Of course, doesn’t everybody? After all, Star Trek is real footage from the future, right? Seriously, I have always wanted to go to Roswell, just to see the museum and the town in general. What fun!

  4. Oh, how fun. I really want to visit Roswell one day. I do believe in aliens, but I also believe in statistics and think that our chances of meeting them are pretty much 0.

  5. And, by the way, it’s neat that you have enough cameras and phones for all kiddos 🙂

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