paper plate Noah's ark Bible Old Testament Genesis

Noah’s ark paper plate craft

Sometimes there is a craft supply that is way more multi-purpose than it has any business being. In this case a paper plate. As I was putting together my Noah’s ark unit for Bible lessons, I thought of how much fun a paper plate ark craft could be.

Easy Noah's ark paper plate craft

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Paper plate ark craft supplies

paper plates, coloring supplies (crayons, markers, whatever), stapler, animal stickers

The wonders of the cheap paper plate

Let’s talk about how wonderful this plate is for crafting.

Here is my list of reasons why I love it.

  • It’s cheap, so incredibly cheap
  • It is not coated, which is why it is such a terrible plate, but that lack of coating makes it so much better for coloring.
  • It’s flimsy, which means it can be easily molded into different shapes, and it won’t crack or oddly buckle when you move it about.
  • It holds a clean edge when you fold it.
  • If you are stapling it, the stapler works great with it. I’ve found styrofoam plates tend to tear through more easily.
  • Did I mention it’s cheap?
paper plate Noah's ark Bible Old Testament Genesis

How to make Noah’s ark paper plate craft

I have full printable instructions that can easily be taken into your Sunday School for this craft and a whole slew more in my Noah’s ark unit (or get the bundle)

Noah sensory bin mini instruction sheet
  1. You’ll need two paper plates, well technically 1.5 paper plates per craft. Cut one in half.
  2. The plate cut in half is colored brown, and the whole paper plate is colored with a rainbow (I know the rainbow didn’t happen while they were on the ark, but it made the craft a bit cuter, use your judgment if you’ll add the rainbow).
  3. Start putting animal stickers on. Remember the bottom half of the plate will be covered when putting your animals on.
  4. Staple the half plate onto the full plate.
  5. Admire your wonderful creation and think how much fun parents will have convincing their children to throw their brilliant project away.

Or maybe they short-cut it and don’t tell their children when the artwork suddenly disappears.

More on Noah’s ark unit

Noah's ark bundle

This is a picture of the bundle, you get two games to play, both designed to be short enough you can easily start over as new people come or leave. In the printable unit, there are probably a dozen ideas in there with projects for all ages, each with step-by-step directions.

Easy Sunday School craft paper plate ark

I found my animal stickers at Hobby Lobby and I have to laugh at all of the animals having accessories. It somehow really works for me for Noah’s ark, and I don’t know why. Either way I’m very happy with how my Noah’s ark paper plate craft turned out.

My only regret is not getting the super cheap plates, mainly because I had a giant stash of styrofoam plates, and so didn’t want to buy more plates just for the craft.

More great Bible ideas


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