november 2018 homeschooling week 3 8th

November 2018 Homeschooling month in Review

November was a busy month because of Princess turning 12, Thanksgiving, and we wanted to get as much done as we could to homeschool as little as possible in December (which hasn’t been successful).


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Week 1 of November

November 2018 week 1 8th

I’m trying to remember this first week of November, and all I’m remembering was the epic trek down to way South Austin with all of the cousins crammed into my sister-in-law’s mini-van and waiting in line for over an hour to walk through a mini-Diagon Alley created for Halloween.

It was pretty cool, but it was also a long wait with some very hyper kids. Thankfully there was a park across the street we could send the kids to.

Princess got briefly sick, just enough so she slept on the floor of our room, but not enough that it did anything.

Oh, and we had a super fun gaming session with a puzzle dungeon the picture with the disks is a picture of the first puzzle.


November week 2

And now comes the point where I didn’t upload pictures until the end of the month, so it’s a total mesh of stuff.

november 2018 homeschooling week 3 8th

We started off the week watching the Wizard of Oz after reading the book. I absolutely love the Wizard of Oz, both the books and the movie, so it made me super happy for the kids to read the books. The boys did not enjoy it as much.

We took a trip down to the Renaissance Festival and had fun wandering about. I took lots of random pictures of stuff to turn into writing prompts, which got lots of eye rolls from my kids.

I didn’t really care.

We attended the local Veteran’s Day ceremony, which is always cool to participate in.

I got to see Crimes of Grindewald a few days early with my brother for a press screening, which was SUPER fun!

For some strange reason my kids turned themselves into boxmen, and then they’d occasionally crouch down so they looked like a precariously piled stack of boxes. That was special.


November Week 3

Yeah….. I can’t really find pictures for this. So stuff?

I know it was about this time the kids started realizing the month was halfway over and they still had a lot of work to do.

A LOT of work to do.

Speaking of which, when I’m done here, I’m gonna go grade their work over on Learnly. It’s a super cool new grading and a bunch of other stuff system that I’m using right now. It’ll be able to make transcripts for me in a few years and show off the special things they’ve done.

Superman started really digging into his Electronics kit and was excited by what he’s been building for circuits. He’s even more excited once he realized the ultimate step was for him to program computers.

november 2018 week 3 try 2

Oh wait! Princess’ birthday is at the tail end of this. We went to the Austin Aquarium, which is really its own mini-zoo now. We actually went earlier in the week, but I didn’t take pictures then. Since we went with the cousins I have sooooo many pictures this time.

Oh, and I caught my toaster oven on fire. My husband is in shock I decided to get a picture of this rather than just put it out. He did not understand drama and the fun of getting this picture.


November Week 4

To finish up November, I have a few school type things I really don’t know when they happened, that’s what happens when you upload three weeks all at once. I should rally go upload the start of December….

layers of the earth mantle

We made another model of the earth, much like we did a few years ago, and the kids thought it was quite hilarious. Then a few days later we made a model of the moon, which looks remarkably similar to our model of the earth.

Then we studied the solar system and the placement of the different planets using our astronomy model I got back when we first studied astronomy.

november 2018 week 4

Princess got her ears pierced, which was super exciting because we had to have a birth certificate and a photo ID, which I got from Homeschool Buyer’s co-op.

Superman made Princess a horn for her ginormous horse and for her dolphin (so Winter could be a narwhal), which Princess loves!

Then we had Thanksgiving with my family, with the kids continuing to be in love with their baby cousin. It’s so cute to see them all argue over who gets to hold her.

I found a pair of dirty socks on the kitchen counter, which was kinda annoying. Thankfully the guilty child spoke up and it was solved.

We tried a new game, Mythtopia, which plays a bit like both Small World and Risk, but it takes all of the finickyness of Small World and the destroy the other player of Risk so I really didn’t care for it. We’ll probably rehome this one.

I included the picture because I picked up the sardines at the end of November, but we actually cooked this meal in December, so you’ll get to hear about that crazy meal next month (I’ll give you a hint, it did not go well).


2018 Homeschooling in Review


3 responses to “November 2018 Homeschooling month in Review”

  1. I would absolutely capture the toaster on fire.

    I need to do the play dough model stuff you do – but I need a good gf play dough first…

  2. Toaster on fire? You are hardcore 🙂 Princess must have been quite excited about her ear piercings.

    1. So amazingly excited!

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