Organizing Lesson Plans

organizing your lesson plans to save you time

The lesson plan system Iโ€™ve ended up with is remarkably similar to the system I had when I was teaching, I guess it worked for me 11 years ago, it still works today.

{This post contains affiliate links.ย  See my full Disclosure statement for more information.ย  In addition I did receive Illuminations for free, doesnโ€™t change my opinion of it one bit}

There are a couple of different elements you have to organize for school:

  • lesson plans
  • supplies
  • text books
  • kids worksheets and such stuff

Organizing lesson plans

This year Iโ€™m using Illuminations {affiliate link}, which does most of this for you if you follow their plans (and if you donโ€™t itโ€™s editable to change it around).

I realized I forgot to include what curriculum I’m using, which can help you understand more of this post.

planning supplies

First gather all of your supplies, anything you might use to teach from in the coming year.ย  Then over the course of several days, a little bit at a time (I did this while watching movies with my husband), I go through and break the work down into bits that work for us.

[Side note, this is part of why Iโ€™m loving Illuminations because it did all of the work for me in most of my subjects this year, all I had to do was science.]

planning from the textbook

Then I go through my textbook and divide it up into manageable pieces, making notes of any hands on activities I want to add in.

lesson plan creation

Finally I get to typing.ย  This year I simplified it down to 4 columns of possible ideas, in previous years I had books to find, movies to find, and it was too clunky.ย  Now Iโ€™ve got it down to textbook info, notebooking/writing, hands on activities (which includes movies or extra books), and online ideas.ย  For those of you wondering how I organize pinterest, head on over to The Homeschool Village and read my Pinterest for Homeschool post.

This whole process can take 3-4 hours to organize it all for each subject for the school year.

Illuminations lesson plans

Buuuuuuuutttttttโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.ย  with Illuminations, it was as simple as click print.ย  While I know I could have just looked at it from the computer, I like to carry my lesson plans around with me.ย  Archaic of me, I know.

binding machine

Next I bind everything I might need to refer to into a book with my handy dandy, supery dupery Manual Comb Binding Machine {affiliate link, I bought mine at Office Max, I buy all my office supplies there so I get coupons to save MONEY!}.ย  Everything, what did I bind up this year?ย  Iโ€™m glad you asked:

  • miniature versions of the kids history notebooking pages {affiliate link}
  • my science lessons
  • all of the lesson plans from Illuminations
  • book lists

So, thatโ€™s the big over-arching idea.ย  Thatโ€™s all I did last year, and I was constantly having problems and not keeping up with things, or not making progress because I didnโ€™t do science enough times a week to finish it during the school year.


weekly schedule grid

Thereโ€™s no real way to make it big enough for you to read all of that, but itโ€™s all of my to do lists for the week right there.ย  Back when I was teaching my lesson plans looked very similar to this, only then it was a word document in a table.ย  This is an editable PDF that has pretty colors. (Iโ€™m out of all the ink, so itโ€™s just in boring black and white right now).

Most of my week is already done for me, when I open the weekly schedule, but I add in my plans for the week for science and move around subjects, delete a few.ย  Then I end up with my schedule.

This is last weekโ€™s schedule.ย  Each check mark is something we completed, a few things were completed that I didnโ€™t check (history and geography), but I didnโ€™t finish English from the Roots Up last week, so it slid over onto this week.ย  We have 3 days to complete instead of 2โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Since the kiddos are still young for Illuminations weโ€™re not completing all of the activities suggested, but other than that Iโ€™d say this has been a life-saver for me in time saved.ย  This year I didnโ€™t have to make up a template for our lesson plans, and didnโ€™t have to write up all 10 subjects weโ€™re completing, I just printed off what they said to do and did it.

With a few details changed.

creating lesson plans with illuminations

Because heaven forbid I actually follow everything just as it isโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ


That novel covered all of the lesson plans, textbooks, and what have you, now on to worksheets.

Organizing Kids’ worksheets and schoolwork

copying worksheets for the week

Sunday night I spend about 30 minutes putting together my weekly lesson plans, and gathering materials for the week.ย  Itโ€™s only 30 minutes because I put in the time earlier to make it short.

If Iโ€™m bad, itโ€™s Monday morning as I blink at things.

I print off everything, copy everything, and generally run through lots of ink.

kids work organization for the week

Then I organize it all in the order itโ€™s going to be get done and put them in their โ€œDo/Doneโ€ folder.ย  This is new this year, and has been working well for us for the past 2 weeks, weโ€™ll see if that continues.

Why I like this folder:

  1. They are responsible for their materials, which leads them towards my goal of independence.
  2. I donโ€™t have to stop and pass out materials in the middle of the lesson, they already have it.
  3. The kids like seeing the work they have to do go down in size, and what theyโ€™ve done go up in size.


Hereโ€™s my plan for the โ€œHow can I teach when Iโ€™m a mess?โ€ series:

My prior attempts at organization

Organizing lesson plansย (today)

Teaching reading to multiple levels

Organizing notebooks

Your tips on homeschool and life organization


Now, go see the other series on โ€œHow Do I Teach?โ€ย  Thereโ€™s something for everyone there, and Iโ€™ve got some great friends writing on different topics.


24 responses to “Organizing Lesson Plans”

  1. I love the binding machine too! Although I don’t have my own. It was a favorite when I taught too!

    I’ve never looked at your curriculum. I will have to check it out.

    1. Oops, should have included that into my post, thanks for that reminder!

  2. I’m handing over to T11 the responsibility for organising his own education this year. I think he’s ready and he’s certainly willing. I’ll just be handing him my expectations for the week and off he’ll go. Apart from the stuff we all do together, I’m taking a step back from organising him. It’s quite exciting….

    1. I agree that is incredibly exciting! I can’t wait to hear how he does with it.

  3. Hmmm. I am getting an itch for a binding machine…but I am going to have to wait for now. But maybe next year…

    Love this. I am REALLY trying to organize at LEAST a month’s worth of lessons this year…trying. Hard.

    1. Me too! Lol..I just priced some! ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. I think I bought mine with points I had from Office Max at the time. Of course at the time I bought it (4 years ago) it was about 15 dollars cheaper.

      I’ve never managed to get a daily schedule written yet for lesson plans a month in advance. Something always happens in the first week to throw me off.

  4. Your system looks tremendous. This post reminds me why I can’t homeschool. I just can’t stay organized for long despite my best efforts and I cannot multi-task successfully while watching TV or talking to my husband. Anna has the same Do/Done folder for homework this year that was given to her by her teacher on the first day – I guess it really works ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. As I was creating it, I had this nagging feeling I’d seen/used it before, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d used it too.

      Jeff can’t multi-task either, it’s the ONLY way I get some of the things done I’m doing (drawings for Bible stories and such).

  5. I’m with you on the printing. I love the ease of creation the computer allows, but I KNOW if I don’t have it physically in my hands something will happen to the computer. I simply cannot solely rely on technology.

    1. Me either, I’ve read too much Sci-Fi to comletely rely on computers. It’s one of my paranoia’s about my Nook, what will happen when the Apocalypse comes…….

  6. Great tips and ideas! Sharing!

  7. Andrea @ No Doubt Learning Avatar
    Andrea @ No Doubt Learning

    I try to organize 2 weeks in advance…only I use good ol’ pencil and paper. I change things around too much ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’ve tried that a couple of times with my menu planning, and it never goes well. Something always happens that gets me off on my timing.

  8. You are so organized compared to me. I have notes scribbled on plain paper in a folder…that is about as organized as I get. LOL

    1. I like having it all typed out, mainly because I hate writing by hand with a vengeance. It’s kind of funny.

  9. Ooooh…I put that binding machine on my wish list. Thank you!

    1. I LOVE it, I’m actually just about to go make use of it again, to make our history notebooks.

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