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Picnic in the family room
My husband was working late on Wednesday, and I wasn’t feeling all that great, I didn’t want to cook, so I came up with a great excuse not to: PICNIC inside! Sometimes it’s fun to change up the routine, and this time we had a PICNIC IN THE FAMILY ROOM!
(I stuck affiliate links in here)
Prep for our inside picnic in the family room
I cut up insanely large amounts of cheese, got out lots of crackers, carrots, and ranch dressing to dip it in. Then we got out our various tea sets, spread a sheet on the floor (to keep the theoretical carpet clean), and proceeded to have a lovely picnic in the family room.
We had lots of fun talking and laughing, and of course, sharing our food with our toys. That’s very important.
Very important.
Or so my kids tell me. Any time we have a picnic, it’s very important to feed your toys.
So I guess, if we have a picnic in the family room, we have to feed the toys.
Afterwards, continue the fun of your inside picnic by cleaning up!
No really! Of course, this was fun, I mean lots of water and permission to splash.
I got out a big tub, put in soapy water and gave each kid a washcloth (I seriously buy these in bulk), and they cleaned the dishes and I rinsed them. This was wildly popular!
Eventually, the boys figured out they could rinse the dishes all by themselves without my help, and that got them even more excited!
Of course, the floor was soaked afterward, but not anywhere near as much as it is when they mop the floor…… By the way, we now have new kid-sized mops I’m eager to try out. I’ll post on it once we’ve mopped.
Future Ticia, I don’t know if I ever posted on the mops, but they were super amazing! We used them all the time.
And, I know Google wants me to have 400 words, but there’s not really a lot to say about the picnic in the family room, it was just a fun quick activity I found to entertain my preschoolers.
Some more fun kid activities
I need to figure out some more kid activities to add in here. Right now, I’ve got a couple of chore ideas because cleaning up after the picnic in the family room got me thinking of chores.
- Chores are fun and done
- Age appropriate chores for kids
- I’ll figure out some more ideas later, it’s 11:30 in Future Ticia time, and I need to sleep
One response to “Picnic in the family room”
What fun! My kids would love this, especially doing the dishes! It’s funny how much my kids love to do housework; if only it would stay that way.
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