Preschool and Math all at once



Though I guess technically math happens at preschool, but I wanted to link the math part up to Math Links over at Joyful Learner and the other part over to Preschool Corner over at Homeschool Creations, but I meander long enough.  To the point of this.





For each of the kids I made a card for the numbers showing how to write it step by step.  I got tired of them asking how to write the numbers over and over and over again.  Especially since I’m pretty sure they know how to do this, and they’re doing it to drive me crazy.

Now, when they ask me I just tell them to look at their cards, and they do.  Problem solved.  YEAH!


006Now on to the next idea, I have this book called “Mister Pencil,” that one of the teachers I taught with gave me.  It’s a simple drawing book with a different picture for each letter of the alphabet.  It tells you how to draw using the same lines you use to write letters.  It’s great for learning to draw and for reinforcing writing skills.


The problem, it’s out of print, or something because I can’t find it anywhere online, or I’d link it for ya’ll.



So, that’s been wildly popular, and it’s been improving their direction following skills because they have to wait for me to tell the next step.  And even if I’ve told them how step by step their pictures each turn out very individual and distinctive.

Okay, so this post wasn’t anywhere near as exciting or helpful as I was thinking it was going to be.


15 responses to “Preschool and Math all at once”

  1. Those number cards are great! Very clever.

  2. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Great idea! I think I'll make a set for cursive letters, for my older children 🙂

  3. Ticia, you need to bring up the drawing card game you found also.

  4. Both ideas are great – and I love that Jeff comments on your blog! I also like the picture of the boys so busy drawing (I can't tell if it's the same boy or not)

  5. MaryAnne Avatar

    That book sounds great! Brilliant solution with the number cards, too.

  6. Joyful Learner Avatar
    Joyful Learner

    Great ideas! I'm going to use both with the kids I will be looking after starting next week. The older child has problem with reversaling letters. Thanks for sharing and linking!

  7. I love both of these ideas, that book sounds great. I loved Leah's idea of taking the number cards and making letter cards as well. I am going to have to try something like this myself.

  8. But, if I do that then it ruins the surprise of it as a Christmas present for Jenn………

    Oh the dilemmas.

    And I honestly have no clue which boy is which, I had the brilliant idea of dressing them in the same shirt to trick their Mimi, and ummmmm, I don't know.

  9. Well, I think these are all very good ideas- so good, in fact, I think I'll be “stealing” the number cards from you…

  10. Oh I love the number cards idea! Thanks!! I'm stopping by again from the Preschool Corner link up.

  11. I wish that drawing book wasn't out of print. It looks great!

  12. What a great idea! It's so hard to say “no” just in case they really need help. Thanks!

  13. That's a great idea for the number cards!

  14. oo love the how to write the number books!

  15. Great idea making those number cards!

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