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Teach Books of the Bible with flashcard games
Way back ages ago when I was teaching, every couple of months we would have a teacher inservice day. We’d be updated on new policies, maybe get a new way to teach a lesson, and generally it was a great way to improve my teaching skills. (I’m sure you’re wondering what this has to do with books of the Bible cards, I’ll get to that in a minute)

You don’t get that as much as a homeschooling teacher. There are homeschool conventions you can go to, but that’s not always in the budget, and they aren’t always convenient to go to.
A few years ago, a blogger I follow started up a newsletter called “Useletter” and each issue she includes great tips and ideas for all of us bloggers who can’t go to a blogging conference, but still want to grow as bloggers. That got me thinking, can’t we do the same thing as homeschool Moms or Sunday School teachers?
So, I present to you Inservice in your INbox.

Each week, I’ll be sending you the posts from the week, as well as links to practical things to implement in your homeschool (my plan is to have 2-4 links per category: Bible, geography, history, reading, and science, I might add in math From looking at what you actually opened, I simplified it to about 4 links on homeschooling and 2 on Bible). They’ll be links to posts I’ve found or written that can help you that week in your homeschool/classroom/Sunday School class (I recognize I have a bit of a varied audience).
I’ll also occasionally have freebies only for those of you on the newsletter, and towards that end let me tell you about the first one.
Books of the Bible cards
One of my goals for my Sunday School class kids is for them to leave my class able to find stuff in the Bible. I detailed exactly how I do that in this post, How to teach kids to find verses in the Bible, and I wanted a few more things than were in the cards I had on hand at the time I wrote that post.
So I made some books of the Bible cards.
I went through for each book of the Bible and found a few important passages and 2-3 verses that are great to know. Then I included what type of book it is (history, law, poetry, etc).
These are free for you to print off and use with your family, Sunday School, what have you (obviously what have you does not include selling it as your own stuff).
I printed off one copy per small group in my Sunday School class, laminated them, and have been using the same sets for the past 3 years.
What other subscriber freebies would you like?
I’m brainstorming ideas for each of the categories I’m planning on including each week, but am not quite sure what I want to do for each of the categories.
Ideas I have bopping around in my head:
- historical paper dolls
Armor of God paper dolls (for when I switch out books of the Bible cards)– I have a new plan for this one- state study lapbook or notebooking pages (this is the newest subscriber freebie)
I’m really not sure what to do for science or reading. I came up with a plan, now to execute said plan.
17 responses to “Teach Books of the Bible with flashcard games”
Found it!
Cool! I am sure homeschoolers will appreciate your newsletter!
I’m hoping so!
Signed up! Can’t wait to get your wisdom in my inbox!
Woo Hoo!
I think this is a great idea! I bet it will help a lot of homeschoolers.
Thanks! I’m super excited about it.
Just a short note to let you know I received your email, as you requested.
I really like your Books of the Bible freebie. It will be very helpful to both children and adults.
Just to let you know, the first time I subscribed, your site said ‘Thank You,’ and said nothing about my getting an email to confirm my email address. (And no email arrived.) So, after a few hours, I subscribed again and got the correct response which was to look for an email from you, which actually arrived. I am hoping that others who may have received the polite ‘Thank You,’ will also subscribe again so they will not miss out on your great site.
Thanks for reaching out to others who care about the things you care about. It takes a lot of time to maintain a site and you are so very dear to add this additional project to your daily task list.
Thanks for letting me know that, I’ll check to see if I can figure out why it didn’t send right away (it is supposed to).
Your note is so encouraging for me to read. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
Is there any way I can get the Books of the Bible cards?
If you sign up for the newsletter? They are free for subscribers.
Thanks for answering my comment! 🙂 When I try to subscribe, I get “This webpage is not available.” I’ve tried several times now.
Hmmmmm, let me see what’s up with that.
I tried to find the link to the Bible Cards and couldn’t. I love the idea of your Presenting In-service in your INbox and signed up for that but I know I would love the cards with my son who is an adult but mentally challenged. I was told in 2001 that he would never go above a 1st grade level but I am Jewish, German, Irish, and Austrian/Hungarian and a very fierce momma when it comes to my kids. So I thought I will show them and continued to teach him even though he was past the age of school. He now works on a 2nd (subjects he does not like) and a low 4th (in subjects he loves) grade level. So these will be perfect for him. My daughter also teaches Cubbies in the churches Awana’s program and the special kids in the Sunday school and I know she will want me to print her a set also.
I just sent you an email to check why you haven’t gotten the link.
First of all, thank you for sharing your hard work with us. I would love to print the books of the Bible but can’t find a link.
It is in the subscriber freebie when you sign up for the newsletter.
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