Psalms 23 trust in God Bible Old Testament Wisdom books

Teaching Psalms 23 to kids

You’ve heard me complain frequently about my goal to read through Psalms this year.  Jeff gets to hear it even more often, but I do recognize it’s important, and there is a reason it’s in there.  Since we’re studying David’s life, I figure now is a good time to introduce Psalms to the kids as a bit of family discipleship, and we started with Psalms 23 for kids.

Psalms 23 for kids


Psalms 23 for kids

We started off using this Psalms 23 file folder game.  Only I didn’t glue it into a file folder, because I’ve come more recently to learn gluing them into the file folder and things like that are somewhat limiting to how we want to use the game.

Psalms 23 verse search

I hid the Psalms 23 Bible verses all over the room, and the kids happily found the sheep (we were pretending the sheep had wandered off), and looked through the Bible for the correct order of the verses.

Then we went through and looked for what things God did for David in this chapter, and of course talked through our discussion questions.

Acting out Psalms 23

It’s us, of course, we have to act something out, or move something around.  This time we got to learn what it’s like to be a sheep being guided.

Your rod and your staff comfort me Psalms 234b Psalms 23 lesson for kids

I used some cloth from my stash to create a path, and the kids took turns leading the blindfolded sheep.  Mac was sometimes the wild animal that was stopping us from going where God wanted us to, that our good shepherd had to chase away.  Here’s what we learned from this:

Psalms 23 lessons

Sometimes we are silly sheep, and I feel very sorry for God trying to lead and guide us.  Batman was a very silly sheep who kept falling over (because we’d just watched Dave and the Giant Pickle {affiliate link}), and the poor shepherd was getting very frustrated.  It’s times like this I’m very thankful God is patient, much more patient than I am because I can get frustrated with the kids’ silliness at times.

Psalms 23 lesson, feel God leading us

Sometimes it’s very easy to know where God is leading us.  Because it was a cloth path you could feel if you went off the path (it might have worked better if I’d taped out a path, but this was convenient).  At times it’s blindingly obvious where God wants us to go. This is when we are spending time in God’s Word, and with other believers.

Psalms for Kids resources

Job Psalms and Proverbs



10 responses to “Teaching Psalms 23 to kids”

  1. I just love your hands on approach to learning anything! Great pictures too 🙂

    1. Thanks! I really had fun with this one, and this is one of those times the pictures really did come out!

  2. I like the silly sheep!

    1. I do too, they crack me up every time I watch the movie, and Batman doing that just made it hard to keep a straight face.

  3. How fun! I especially love how you acted out the fact that God leads us even when we don’t know where we are going!

    1. I think that was the kids’ favorite part of all. It seemed like the easiest way to explain the concept to them.

  4. Have you checked out any of the recordings of the various psalms? That is my favorite way to “read” them!

    1. I haven’t. I have to admit the Psalms I really enjoy are usually ones I’ve heard a song of and liked the song. And to contrast if I didn’t like the song version I really don’t like that Psalm.

      I’ve found reading them and taking lots of random notes in small doses makes Psalms a lot more enjoyable.

  5. LOVE your ideas!! Thank you for sharing!

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