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Pumpkin Writing Assignment
When my kids were in preschool I did a lot of work to get them ready for our homeschool reading lessons, and this pumpkin writing assignment was designed to let my kids “read” their own writing. Back when I first wrote this post I mistakenly put in little bitty pictures, so I’ve gone in and fixed the pictures, and added a few comments of opinion after the fact.
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Before the pumpkin writing assignment
Before you can do the pumpkin writing assignment, you need to first complete an activity with a pumpkin. This time we got a pumpkin ready for making pumpkin puree (and made it into pumpkin lessons for preschool), make sure you take a picture for every step.
Afterwards put the pictures in a 2 column table on your computer (I did mine in a word document). Then print off your document. I chose not to print front and back so I could make it into a book later using my binding machine*.
I printed off 4 copies of the little book I had made, yes you read that right 4. One for each of the kids to write their own version of the story, and one for putting in order.
Creating your pumpkin writing assignment
I took turns sitting down with each of the kids while the other two played and had them dictate to me what was happening in the pictures. I’m going to share with you the boys’ stories, because Princess disappeared with hers with a mad gleam in her eyes. It disappeared into her toy shopping cart* along with about 10 My Little Ponies, 5 Strawberry Shortcakes, and a miscellany of other toys.
For older kids who are able to write, they can write their own version. “Reading” a dictated story they wrote is a great pre-reading activity for your kids to do, and one we frequently used back when I was teaching public school.
Here’s our pumpkin writing assignment
Here are the boys’ versions, I leave it to you to guess who wrote which one.
1: Title: A Bat found Pumpkin and he named it George Bob
The bat found a pumpkin. The bat carved the pumpkin. And then he went to do Halloween. He left him home. His Mom and Dad stayed home and he scared the kids with his bat pumpkin. Then they baked a pumpkin pie. Princess got some water in her tea pot. They are making the pumpkin pie by pouring water in with the pumpkin. The Boogeyball family said, “Trick or treat,” to the bat family. They baked two sets of pumpkin pie because the kids really like pumpkin pie. The kids are scooping the pumpkin pie. One kid tasted the pumpkin pie, but he didn’t like it that way. Someone is pouring water in there. Mac ate pumpkin pie when we dropped it on the floor. One guy scooped a part of the pumpkin. Someone mixed it, but it wasn’t a girl, it was a boy (It was a picture of Princess he was looking at). Me mixed it until his Mom said, “stop!” I ate a seed, but I didn’t like it.
2: Title: Superman carving a pumpking
We are carving the pumpkin. We are taking the icky stuff out of it. We’re using spoons to get the icky stuff out. Batman is putting the pumpkin piece in there. Princess is getting water for a tea party. Batman is pouring water on the pumpkin pieces. We put foil on to make it cook good. The pumpkin pieces are getting cooked. I am scooping out the part we eat of the inside. Batman is pouring water. Mac eat a piece of pumpkin. I think he liked it. Princess is scooping more pumpkin pieces. She is pouring water I think. Princess is stirring it. Batman is eating a pumpkin seed.
It was really interesting to see how they each approached it. You could also tell the difference in age and personality. Princess didn’t use as many descriptive words even when I tried to coax them out of her. My more creative and original thinker of a boy went in a totally different direction than I was thinking and then added his own bat illustrations. My thinker was able to add more details as I coaxed him through it.
All in all it was a great writing experience I look forward to them being able to write it themselves, but they all had fun.
For more Fall ideas check out my pinterest board:
And check out Homeschool Halloween for more Halloween ideas.
9 responses to “Pumpkin Writing Assignment”
Those will be so neat for them later on!
I agree with Leah, they will look back on these and really treasure them someday.
It's fascinating to see how different their stories are! I am always amazed to see how much of an individual each child is.
Bahahaha! Georgebob- excellent name for a pumpkin…
How interesting that Batman and Superman came with the versions that are so different. Clearly Batman is a family entertainer 🙂
It is so great to capture all of these memories. I love their stories.
R would have done the same thing princess did. Funny.
Very precious. So, were you able to keep a straight face through all the story telling?
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