Recovering from an ordeal

Sounds all official like doesn’t it?  Well, by the time the memorial service was over I was wiped, so I went to take a nap, and it worked for a while…………  Then here’s what happened.

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And then Daddy joined in the fun.


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He was the blankie monster.

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And then the pillows entered in.

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And then all thoughts of nap were gone as it became a free for all.  Bye-bye sleep.


9 responses to “Recovering from an ordeal”

  1. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    It looks like a good recovery road to me 🙂

  2. At least you're not short on love 😉

    I hope you do get a chance to nap sometime though!

  3. Lots of laughs and fun can make up for any nap, so they say….I don't know that I actually fall for it all.

  4. It looks like everyone thought you could use some cheering up!

    I hope you get some rest tonight.

  5. Oh, I have so been there.

  6. Oh dear….bye-bye nap!

  7. Naps are overrated – pillow fights are much better. I hope you get some rest… one day soon

  8. Naps are definitely over rated……

  9. Nap?!?!?! No way. Your family had better plans for you.

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