Review and Giveaway: Momsense




When MOPS international asked me about reviewing their latest book I leaped at the chance.ย  I have a couple of their books and have loved each of them.ย  Their chapters tend to be short and to the point and always have something I can relate to in it.


So, what is this newest book about?ย  Itโ€™s about developing your Momsense and how to best do that.


The first section is about defining and looking at where you came from, what was your Momโ€™s parenting style like, and what are the areas you want to improve.ย  At the end of each chapter there are questions for you to answer and look at for how you can improve your mothering.


003The second section takes some of the things every book about mothering agrees you need, and gives some practical advice and also some humorous or touching stories about other moms.ย  And, theyโ€™re not all stay at home, or the perfect family moms.ย  Some of the moms work full time, some of them are the accidental mother who now loves being a mom, others are single, some are the mom who has 5 kids, another is the mom who has one little girl who she loves with a passion.


For me the best part of the book is reading the testimonial of the other moms on what they did.ย  Jeff at one point had to ask what I was reading as I was chortling over the chapter on joy.ย  I wonโ€™t spoil the story for you, but if youโ€™ve been reading the blog long enough you know I would get a big kick out of a childโ€™s accidental trouble over bringing the wrong kind of โ€œcool looking boxโ€ to school.ย  I then had to read the story to Jeff, and talk for a long time with him about it.



I would encourage any of you moms out there, and I know thatโ€™s a significant portion of my readership to pick up a copy of this book.ย  Itโ€™s a nice easy read, and itโ€™s tempting to blaze through it, but Iโ€™d recommend you just take a chapter a day and actually read it slowly and answer the questions, which Iโ€™m going to be going back and doing soon.


Iโ€™d also encourage you to find a local MOPS group to join if you have a pre-schooler.ย  I was in for two years as the Creative Activites director, and I really enjoyed the group.ย  My group met at night and was over half working moms, which made for a fun mix.ย  I learned so much from the speakers and the topics we covered, nutrition, parenting styles, personalities, solving conflicts, on and on and on.


So, thatโ€™s my two plugs.ย  Now for the giveaway:



1.ย  You must be over 18 and leave me a way to contact you, international is okay since Iโ€™m doing the shipping and Iโ€™m feeling generous.

2.ย  How to enter:


REQUIRED:ย  Tell me your definition of Momsense.ย  What is it and how do you use it?


BONUS:ย  You can get up to 3 bonus entries:

1.ย  Go to the MOPS international website and find the closest group to you and when does it meet.

2.ย  If youโ€™re a follower thatโ€™s another entry.

3.ย  And ummmmโ€ฆ.ย  Iโ€™m feeling a lack of creativity right now, so just add another comment for the third bonus entry.

Giveaway ends on November 4th, a week from today.



Iโ€™m gonna link this over to my favorite resource of the week, because I really enjoy a good parenting book, and that helps me in my homeschooling.

Favorite Resource This Week


30 responses to “Review and Giveaway: Momsense”

  1. MaryAnne Avatar

    I guess momsense is the gut feeling you get about what to do in a tough situation? And I guess I use it a lot, because I follow my gut instinct most of the time, even when I stop to reason it out…

  2. MaryAnne Avatar

    My closest MOPS group is actually in New Hampshire. They meet Thursday mornings.

  3. MaryAnne Avatar

    I follow you

  4. MaryAnne Avatar

    And for my bonus entry – if you like chex at all, you should check out my giveaway, especially since it's not just chex…

    (and please delete this comment if you feel it's too self-promoting!)

  5. Digital Memories: The Schleicher Family Avatar
    Digital Memories: The Schleicher Family

    For me, Momsense is the ability to simultaneously cook dinner, clean the bathroom, change a diaper, practice spelling words, and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and feeling an amazing sense of accomplishment about it!

  6. Momsense is the understanding that evolves between you and the children in your life. When you listen to your heart and your instincts, you know how to help them and care for them. This ability also helps you understand other children and be supportive to your “mom community”.

  7. Digital Memories: The Schleicher Family Avatar
    Digital Memories: The Schleicher Family

    My MOPS group meets in Shoreview, MN every other Tuesday morning. And I love them!

  8. M. Schlansker Avatar
    M. Schlansker

    Momsense is that gut instict that you feel. I believe God tailors each mom's momsense to their specific child. I use mine daily to do what is best for each of my kiddos.

  9. My closest MOPS/MOMSnext group meets in Dorado on Friday mornings.

  10. M. Schlansker Avatar
    M. Schlansker

    The closet group to me meets in Duxbury, MA on first and third Thursday of the month. 9:30-11:00

  11. My bonus entry ~ MOPS has really helped me feel a sense of not being in this mothering thing alone!

  12. AdrieMcC Avatar

    Momsense is knowing your child, and what s/he needs to fulfill heir needs!

  13. AdrieMcC Avatar

    Bonus~ I follow you!

  14. AdrieMcC Avatar

    Bonus~ The MOPS closest to me meets at the Federated Church in Springfield. They meet every other Tuesday (which includes next week's Tuesday!).

  15. AdrieMcC Avatar

    Bonus~ I love my MOPS ladies! I have met so many wonderful and unique women. SO GLAD I decided to become a part of MOPS.

  16. Momsense to me is knowing that even though sometimes I feel overwhelmed & like I am not a very good, God is with me & will guide me through it.

  17. My Mom Sense is just let God guide those important decisions and the rest will fall into place.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Bonus, I have been in Mops for three years now and love the friendships I have made.

  20. MOPS closest to me is (per website) at Christian Chapel in Tulsa, Ok. (I attend different one).

  21. My closest MOPS group meets at South Hills church every 2 & 4 Thursdays of the month at 9-11 am

  22. I am now following you ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Bonus – I love seeing MOPS moms & our meetings! If I don't I kinda feel lost ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. To me momsense is the mom version of common sense. Because there is nothing common about some of the things that come up as a mom. Lol

  25. I didn't know I had a MOPS group so close. There is one in my town.

  26. aussie mum3 Avatar
    aussie mum3

    Mumsense to me is so unique to each mum. God has us all on such different paths, from different experiences and yet each of us are all working towards his plan for our children.

  27. aussie mum3 Avatar
    aussie mum3

    My closest MOPs group is in the rural town of Gilgandra, australia. First and third fridays of the month…. yay tomorrow we have MOPs.

  28. aussie mum3 Avatar
    aussie mum3

    My bonus entry… I love helping other mums stand up in our Sons light. I love seeing the amazing women in our group grow.

  29. aussie mum3 Avatar
    aussie mum3

    I think I'm following you

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