Crickets nature study STEM flying creatures kind 1st zoology

Crickets nature study




Hi! Future Ticia 2024 here, I’m updating this cricket lesson we did way back when the kids were first learning so that it’s a bit easier for someone else to recreate. This was a great set of science lessons we did back then as part of our Flying Creatures lessons. I highly recommend it, and I learned a lot too. I’ll chime in from time to time with some additional thoughts.

Now back to Past Ticia 2010.

Crickets science lesson

This was one of those experiments that had Jeff and my Mom shaking their head for a while. On Jeffโ€™s day off I made him go with me to the pet store to pick up crickets. Why? To observe them. And we found out all sorts of stuff in the process.
First, in order to keep them alive I had to find out what they eat. I found out they are primarily carnivores, and if you donโ€™t feed them enough protein they will eat the other crickets.

Ummm gross!

(Future Ticia 2024 still lists this as one of the grossest things I learn from the experiment)

Cricket nature study supplies

(these are affiliate links)

crickets (you could catch some, but I bought them from a pet store), cricket food or dog food, terrarium or we used our butterfly garden

And here are a few:

Cricket nature study resources

Future Ticia 2024 is adding in a few books, and I might come back and add in a few videos from YouTube. But here are the results of my quick search.

And some of these are just fun books, because I like fiction books, and I still like the Very Quiet Cricket.

Cricket observation lesson

So, we dropped by my Momโ€™s and confused the heck out of her by asking for a handful of dog food. Then we headed back to the house, and put the crickets in our butterfly pavilion, and the kids had a blast watching them!

What all did we do with them?

observing crickets

We watched them a lot. We noticed they could climb up the walls. Then we read about them and discovered thatโ€™s because of their feet. Theyโ€™re sticky, like a tree frog (thatโ€™s Supermanโ€™s observation).ย 
They have chewing mouths. Insects have three different types of mouths: chewing, sucking, and sponge mouths. Flies have a sponge, butterflies have sucking, and crickets and ants have chewing mouths.

And, they had already eaten one of their own by the time this picture was taken.

experimenting with the crickets

Crickets do not like cold. We repeated our experiment from here. As a side note, Iโ€™m thinking weโ€™ll repeat this with the caterpillars that finally came in. They showed the results of cold much better than the roly polies.

After we took them out of the fridge (after accidentally leaving them in way too long), they didnโ€™t move very much. We left them on our table for a while, and they werenโ€™t warming up.

observing crickets outside

So, I took them outside and they warmed up real fast. And boy were they moving then. Thatโ€™s when we started keeping them outside.ย 

And this picture has less to do with crickets, but something else we learned. Ants like dog food. And they can chew through our pavilion. So, when we went out to observe the crickets that day and discovered the whole thing swarming with ants and all of the crickets up at the top of the cage. Thatโ€™s when I declared an end to this experiment.

Freeing the crickets

So, the kids happily went with me as we ran through the drizzle to find a good place appropriately far away from our house (so they didnโ€™t come back, that was the deal I made with Jeff).

And as with all excursions we do. What would it be without climbing on something? So, they happily spent five minutes or so climbing all over the rocks near the sinkhole.
Until I said it was starting to rain too much, and I wasnโ€™t really dressed to be soaked.

So, thatโ€™s our observation of crickets. Iโ€™m trying to decide if I want to risk our caterpillars to see how they do with the cold. Iโ€™m worried they might not recover like the crickets did. In theory, they should, but after waiting so long to get them I donโ€™t want to risk killing them.

Crickets lessons

As you probably noticed in the butterfly post, I did not end up trying the caterpillars in the refrigerator. Maybe next year.

Crickets nature study

Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


12 responses to “Crickets nature study”

  1. Christy Avatar

    You are brave! I am afraid of the crickets in the pet store because I worry they will get loose and end up in my hair!

    The idea of them eating each other is so gross.

    Interesting experiment!

  2. Jolanthe Avatar

    I wish the kids would have been up last night when the slugs came out in my mother-in-laws garden!! I've never seen any so huge and had FAR too much fun pouring salt over them {grins}. If the boys are up tonight I might save some salt out special and go slug hunting with them…you know, just for fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Debbie Avatar

    My kids use to buy crickets all the time, not so much for observation but for salamander food. I have to admit while I don't like spiders, insects are fun to watch and observe!

  4. Discovering Montessori Avatar
    Discovering Montessori

    Great experiments. I guess its' fair to say you can learn a lot from crickets.

  5. Very interesting! I had no idea that crickets were carnivorous. I like that you were able to let them go when you were finished observing them. I am adding the to my list of thing we want to do!

  6. kewkew Avatar

    Interesting that the ants ate through the pavilion, I wouldn't have thought it. Learned a lot reading your post. Just to let you know I am having trouble getting the code for the hop into my post. This happened with the Homeschool Blog Hop before, so I will keep trying.

  7. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Okay, ew! I mean, interesting, but EW!

  8. Joyful Learner Avatar
    Joyful Learner

    I'm a nervous nellie when it comes to pets so I don't think I can put them in the refrigerator. But I would want to know what happens with yours if you do try it!

  9. Wow! I didn't realize that ants could do that kind of damage. Good thing you got to the crickets before the ants did.

    I'm passing on an award to you. The Versatile Bloggers Award

  10. How fascinating to observe these creatures and learn so much about them through watching them. What a great way to learn about and remember facts about crickets.

  11. DannieA Avatar

    ok um ewwwww…..and in the fridge? um double ewww. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    But am glad you got to the crickets before the ants did. ewwww.

  12. I am shaking my head right there with Jeff and your mom. You have NO fear, should I wonder where Princess gets it from. Nice experiment!

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