Insect parts science notebooking science lesson flying creatures biology 1st

Insect parts notebooking lesson




Hi! Future Ticia 2024 here, popping in to let you know I’m updating this post written ages ago. It was a great notebooking lesson that my husband apparently did without knowing what notebooking was. I’m going to add in more information to make this a bit more of a useful post, and because over 10 years later there is more information on the internet you can use to make this a better insect parts notebooking lesson. I now return you to past Ticia 2010 and this science lesson for our giant Flying Creatures Unit.

insect parts notebooking lesson and nature study

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Todayโ€™s Science Sunday is brought to you courtesy of my husband.ย  Can I just say he is the coolest husband ever?ย  I had to go to the dentist on Monday and asked if heโ€™d be willing to read and discuss one of the sections in their science textbook, Apologia Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day, and not only did he do it, but he went above and beyond the call of duty.

Insect parts science lesson

I was so amazingly proud of them when I got back.ย  Iโ€™d say it was almost worth getting that filling, but that would be a total lie.ย  Look at their drawings of the different body parts.ย  They did a good job of remembering what it was and being able to explain to me what makes an insect (3 body parts and six legs on the middle body part).

notebooking insect parts science lesson and nature study

Of course being my kids they turned to the next page and drew all sorts of pictures.  I particularly like Batmanโ€™s (in the middle) with the insect that is attacking people, I think.  Iโ€™m not entirely sure, he explained this big long epic narrative to me about 3 days ago.

So, did any of you get to have some delightful experiences like that?  I love when things like that happen.

Okay, Future Ticia is going to turn this into not just a quick let me show you what was done, but actual suggestions of things to do.

It’s amusing to me to read old blog posts and read old-style blogs and see it’s literally just, isn’t this cool? There’s no, here’s a step-by-step, but it’s just I threw a picture up, and then said, here’s how it also didn’t go exactly as planned.

Some resources for your insect parts lessons

Getting serious, let’s talk about what you might want beyond the Apolgoia Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. I know, you might not plan to spend an entire year studying flying creatures, or just not like Apologia’s style.

Not everyone does.

And then because I’ve really grown to love videos.

And then Wild Kratts:

I have to admit it’s partially because my kids spent so much of their childhood watching Wild Kratts. They loved that show once they discovered it.

All right, you’ve got some information, now let’s look at:

Insect Parts notebooking lesson

Insect parts science notebooking science lesson flying creatures biology 1st

This is a science lesson for kids in first grade and kindergarten. Though, my kindergartener was doing her very best to catch up to her brothers in first grade. So even though she was a young kindergartener at this point, she was determined to catch up to them already.

Youngest child, what can you do?

So with that, we are looking at the beginning of first grade, that means they are at very early reading levels, simple words, some sentences, but not much, and they were slow readers. They did not have much in the way of reading yet, but they could draw.

So, they were given the assignment to draw what they learned. Draw what the head, thorax, and abdomen looked like.

If they were older, the assignment could have used actual pictures of insect and labeled parts of actual insects, or required them to draw more detailed imaged of the insects and then label them.

We could have then required them to label more parts such as the legs, eyes, wings.

But, they were in the first few weeks of first grade, and this was a perfect assignment for this time of the year.

More 1st Grade lessons

We learned a lot in first grade, and eventually, our lessons got more complicated.


12 responses to “Insect parts notebooking lesson”

  1. Aren't dads just the best ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Christy Avatar

    Awwww, what a good dad! I love the drawings. Sorry about the filling.

  3. Way to go dad. It seems that everyone I know had dentist appointments this past Hope your mouth is feeling better. I love their drawings!

  4. Jolanthe Avatar

    That's great! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the pictures that they drew too. Our kids love to illustrate what they are learning and it is such a great way to help them 'get it' even better.

  5. Phyllis Avatar

    I just love their journals! Wonderful job.

  6. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    What a good dad!

  7. MaryAnne Avatar

    Very awesome dad, and I love the bug attacking people!

  8. I love when my husband gets involved in our projects, and I loved all the pictures. The bug attacking people is rather hilarious.

  9. Marcia Maynard Avatar
    Marcia Maynard

    The journal pictures are fabulous!
    Thanks for having Science Sunday. I've enjoying reading yours and other people's activities.

  10. Mama to 3 Blessings Avatar
    Mama to 3 Blessings

    what great drawings! Thank you for linking up to the Homeschool Blog Hop mama! ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy your week!

  11. Thats great that your hubby helped out. I bet they really responded to that.

    I love the pictures, I'm sure its going to be soo hard for me to decide what schoolwork I am going to want to keep and what I will want to lose. A notebook full of science and original drawings…that would be a toughy for me!

  12. Pathfinder Mom Avatar
    Pathfinder Mom

    I love it when Dad takes on a lesson or two. Great stuff!

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