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Science Sunday, where I spent all day busy
Instead of working on my post for today, I spent it making memory verse puzzles:
I had 3 sets of 11 verses, not quite enough for our class. So, I printed off 3 more sets, which is overkill, but I am hoping not to do this again next year. I also printed off replacement words.
I cut out, laminated, cut out again, and got part of them started putting velcro on them. Needless to say, I didn’t get writing done.
I also spent today making example crafts for our church’s pre-K VBS and organizing a tub for the example for the training tomorrow.
It’s now 11:34, and I need to hunt down a power cord for my lap top. Yet another reason I’m not writing.
So, here’s the linkie, and tomorrow night after the training is done I’m gonna be commenting and checking out anybody’s post that I missed commenting on last week.
10 responses to “Science Sunday, where I spent all day busy”
You are so committed – even to just have included that intro! Have fun at training!
Eh, this took me 5 minutes to post, and I felt like it’s good to let people know what’s going on.
What a big project!
It really is. This year for our VBS, we’ll be at 10 parks, with anywhere between 40 and 150 kids at the site. For the pre-k, we’ll have between 5-20 kids at each of those sites, that’s not included in the other number of kids. It’s an awesome way to reach out to our community.
Teaching anything is a lot of work!
Yes and teaching teachers can be a very tiring thing, it’s also a very rewarding experience.
You are amazing! If only I got half as much done as you I’d be happy. Especially on a Sunday which tends to be my Laaazzzzzzyyyy day!
You get so much done, I always look at your pictures and am amazed at what you get done. Sunday afternoons are my lazy day, and often Saturday afternoons. Sunday nights are a frantic scramble as I remember or decide at the last minute what we need for Sunday School the next day.
The Jonah craft is adorable – and VBS prep is time well spent.
Thank you! It really was and the training went really well other than my misplacing my notes for the first few minutes.
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