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Homeschool science lessons is a topic near and dear to my heart. I loved teaching science when I taught in the public schools, and briefly toyed with the idea of becoming a science teacher (but that would mean teaching high school and dealing with hormones in kids, that idea was a no-go).

But back to the topic of homeschool science. This is a subject that is very easy to make hands-on with your kids. I’m going to be putting the landing pages of each of the different topics we go through as we complete them here, as well as putting any relevant materials I find for homeschool science.
Table of Contents
Preschool Science
Science for preschoolers can be the most fun because they are seeing everything for the first time. It’s also the messiest science you will ever do.
I never created a landing page for this because I sorted it into the specific content areas I wrote about rather than the age level.

Nature Study lessons
This is the easiest sort of science lesson because it just takes your ability to observe your surroundings. This is frequently what science lessons are for preschoolers, so this is why I put it right after preschool science. I’m also going to point out how so often most of the other sciences can default back into this.
Botany? Just a super advanced nature study as we got into exacting detail studying plants.
Zoology? Anatomy? Earth Science? Astronomy? All of those are studying a specific aspect of nature. I tended to only categorize a science lesson as a nature study if we were specifically studying nature, so we had an animal that we were touching, or a plant or were outside and digging our hands in mud.
Now some people would put all of it as nature study, and that is their right. You get to choose how you want to categorize it, but I’m explaining how I think about it.

Human Anatomy
This is all about how our body works and how to take care of our bodies. We studied this originally when the kids were around 3rd grade. We are currently going back and studying this topic again as 7th graders, and re-using many of these projects.
That’s no longer true, they’re now high schoolers, and we covered it once more time as freshmen.

Earth Science lessons
We studied earth science when the kids were in 4th grade. There are also a few posts written for preschoolers.

Astronomy Science Lessons
We studied astronomy during their 4th-grade year, and I was amazed at how many fun ideas there are.

Zoology lessons
We studied biology during kindergarten through 2nd grade, and then again in 5th grade. I realized they needed a review before we headed into the deeper sciences in junior high. Also, I’m fairly sure the texts we used at first went over their heads.
Zoology was broken down into:
- Flying Creatures
- Swimming creatures
- Land Animals- which apparently still does not have a landing page
Homeschool Science ideas to get you started
Here’s some ideas for getting you started on your homeschool science journey. It can be intimidating to teach this subject, but it’s so engaging I highly encourage you to just jump right in.
- What to do when an experiment fails, because things will go wrong
- Teaching the scientific method to kids, laying the foundation early helps when they get to high school
- Teaching microscope safety– I highly recommend doing some research and finding a good microscope. The one in this post isn’t that great, but it’s a decent introductory microscope