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September 2019
September was my attempt to settle strongly into school and get life going. I’m not quite sure how I did with that.
(there are probably affiliate links in here somewhere)
Week 1
The first week of September held lots of amusing memories. Starting top left, with the funny story of my cut finger.
I’m a discussion group leader for my church’s Precept Bible Study, and the leader of the other group called me to talk and see how things went the first week. While I was on the phone with her, I was trying to put away various things, and then I was pushing in something on my Prep Deck, when I sliced open my finger. Here’s the status update I posted:
I was on the phone with a friend, and trying to put stuff away in the kitchen, and I reached to put something down correctly in the Prep Deck, when I cut my finger and suddenly my finger is covered in blood.
“Uh oh, I cut myself,” I said, “Boy over there come clean the thing I bled all over on.”
So I started walking over to the medicine cabinet, and said, “There’s blood everywhere. This could be a problem.”
At this point I’m leaving a small trail of blood on the floor.
So my friend said, “I’m gonna let you go so you can deal with that, and I have to get my kid….”
So I get to the first aid kit and I’ve got a small puddle of blood in my hand, and I grab a cotton ball and stick it on there while I look for the disinfectant.
I find that, but I’ve bled through the cotton ball, and when I pull it off, there’s cotton ball stuck to my finger, and I have to get one of the kids to come help me get it together.We spent the next few minutes searching for the antibiotic ointment and finally raided the first aid kit in the car.
I think I’ll finish this later, I’ve bled through another band aid, so I’m going to go get stitches.
This was the later status update I shared over on my Blog Facebook page (if you don’t follow me there, you should, there’s lots of great stuff there):
Yesterday I gave myself a truly impressive cut for the sheer amount of blood my finger contained.
It’s amazing how much my reaction created my kids reaction. I was laughing and treating it like a grand adventure, and that’s how the kids reacted.
Later that night my daughter retold the story at youth group complete with an imitation of me. Apparently it was hilarious.
Your circumstances do not make your experience, how you view it makes the experience.
And if you’re wondering, I surprisingly did not need stitches, it is now well testified I am not a snitch (snitches get stitches as I heard in some story).
Okay, now to the rest of the week. We finally got the shelf up and now Jeff’s birthday present from over a year ago finally has an official home, it’s this super cool boat for gaming.
We celebrated the cousins birthday, and I got a hilarious picture of my brother taking a selfie like a junior high girl. Princess organized the entire thing, it ws rather fun.
The first Tuesday of each month (so yesterday), we have a game club for our homeschool co-op, and the last couple of times the boys have been playing Small World, which works better with larger groups than many games we own. It makes me smile to see this giant mob of boys playing each month. There are now more than can realistically all play together on one game, but it’s fun to watch them try.
I work with the 8th grade girls at my church, for the purposes of church, Princess is in 8th grade (it’s complicated), and we decided to have an impromptu movie night one week, and they decided to watch the Pirates who Don’t Do Anything because we’d been joking about it. I was greatly amused by a bunch of 12/13 year olds choosing to watch a movie intended for preschoolers.
Week 2
This was our busy week, or one of our busy weeks.
We finally started our biology labs, and the kids learned how to use the microscope. Then we headed down our favorite nature trail to find a pond and get some water samples for growing bacteria. That turned into a very smelly lab.
As Jeff and I were driving home from a date, I was looking out at the setting sun and the clouds and they looked like a mountain range in front of us. It definitely wasn’t one, but it sure looked cool. This is the picture I shared on Instagram, but I got a second better one that ended up in my story for the day.
We studied Italy, starting off with the Italy Adventure from Case for Adventure, and then some of the 30+ books I checked out. I grabbed a quick picture of them as I was finally getting them turned in. The boys had lots of fun giving the books moose antlers… I was laughing at their silliness.
I continued to work on my notes for our history lessons, October is going to be all about the Age of Exploration, which keeps me thinking about a few years ago when I blogged every day in October on my Age of Exploration Unit.
Jeff’s car battery died, so the boys got to review how to jump a car battery, and help Jeff push the car out of the driveway to be able to jump it. That was fun…..
I was wildly amused by a random magazine at Sams club called, “The Holy Wars,” complete with lots of over the top imagery.
I worked on my subscriber page and updated the placement of a few items I kept getting emails about.
Week 3
This meme cracked me up, so I had to text it to the kiddos.
We read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and watched the “special” (it’s the late 70s/early 80s BBC mini-series), and the kids helped me come up with ideas, and they came up with some to get their favorite snacks.
I started working through Homeschooling College by Design, and I’m loving everything I’m learning from Heather’s course.
I started a class at my church which has memory verses, so I’m illustrating them and sticking them on Instagram, so if you see that cross your feed, please comment to remind me to practice it.
September Week 4
The last week of September was a busy whirlwind. We went through and tried painting in the styles of several different Renaissance artists. It was an interseting experience.
We moved forward with our Biology experiments and the kids were quite amazed at the sheer number of microscopic bugs in the different samples we took.
As we went through our history lesson on Reformation, we ran into the word “Catholicism.” The kids were all looking at it and going, why does the second C make an S sound?”
Which led me into a different mini-history lesson referring back to the Battle of Hastings, and how our language is actually built out of three different languages.
Then Princess made reference to a meme I’d sent her about English being like a kid in a trench coat stacked on top of each other. That led me to make my AMAZING drawing of Latin, German, and French stacked on top of each other masquerading as English. It did not help us to stay on topic, but it was rather hilarious.
Last Friday I took part in the Bible Creatives Online Conference (you have one more day to watch the videos from it), and I have mixed feelings on how I personally did at the event, but in terms of the whole event it went really well. I super enjoyed it, and look forward to the next one.
That night we had our regular gaming session with friends and we had this super fun puzzle to work through with lots of different statues to put in the correct place. It took us over an hour to work through it, and it was SO much fun!
How was your September?
Here’s our 9th grade year so far
One response to “September 2019”
As usual, your homeschool likes a busy and creative chaos where you manage to get so much done 🙂 I enjoy reading these posts!
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