As part of our Christmas in Germany unit we read The Gingerbread Man, there are so many great copies of this book you can find (I’m somewhat partial to the Jan Brett version), but for this particular unit, since we were studying Germany I stuck with the original tale, besides it made a great homeschool reading lesson. The kids were already familiar with the tale and were quickly chanting along “You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.”  Of course this is the original version so he does get eaten by the fox in the end.

gingerbread man lesson for preschool

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Recommended Gingerbread Man books

Gingerbread man books to read your kids

The Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Man (Easy-to-Read Folktales), Gingerbread BabyThe Gingerbread Boy (Paul Galdone Classics) (all of these are affiliate links, and I have either checked them out from the library or owned them at one point)


Gingerbread Man activity


Christmas in Germany lapbook printable

Well, after reading it what was there left to do, but act it out using our popsicle sticks puppets from the printable I created for Christmas in Germany (click on picture to get to download).


We got to work cutting and pasting and then happily put on a show.  And I say we because I was drafted to be part of it so we could show it to Daddy.

Christmas in Germany puppet dolls


Only problem is Batman decided to add something, can you see the addition?

That’s right in our version at the end the Gingerbread Man is blown up by the Transformer…….  It was unusual.

gingerbread man unit

You know you don’t really get your post published if you don’t hit publish.


Are you totally over a Gingerbread Man lesson and want something more?  Then try these ideas

gingerbread pirates ornament


Now, head on over to A Mommy’s Adventures for more great art and book related activities.


13 responses to “Gingerbread Man lesson”

  1. I love the Transformer addition. C would do that too!

    Great printable. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, and yes, you have to hit publish. I don't typically forget to do that, but I have been known to hit publish when I don't mean to.

  2. Great idea to make stick puppets to act it out. We are making gingerbread next week (it'll be ginger week.)

  3. I love the retelling of the story especially with the transformer. Glad you did get this published!

  4. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Okay, I really like the transformer! Sort of a modern retelling of the story 🙂

  5. But where is Buzz Lightyear and Luke Skywalker? ;0)

  6. You all look so cozy sitting under the tree. Anna was very inclined to bring Santa into her Nativity story 🙂

  7. LOL out the transformer and you not hitting publish. Done that a few times myself hehehe

    Are you doing Christmas around the world or did I miss something?

  8. Love the puppets ~ and the transformer! : )

  9. Aren't boys such strange creatures? 🙂 Looks like you guys are havin' fun!

  10. The Adventurer Avatar
    The Adventurer

    I remember doing this when my daughter was younger. She loved doing the 3 billy goats gruff and 3 little pigs. She always made up new ending too. Very creative

  11. JDaniel4's Mom Avatar
    JDaniel4’s Mom

    The puppets are so cute. The addition to the story adds new flair to the story.

  12. Looks like the stick puppets were a hit with your kids!

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