Cleaning Olympics Koala Lou book and activity kinder Australia preschool

Cleaning Olympics Inspired by Koala Lou!

Iโ€™ve seen Koala Lou a couple of places in the blog world recently with some fun Book and Activity ideas, and since weโ€™re studying Australia I thought itโ€™d be fun to read.ย  As I was reading it I started thinking about how fun it would be to make a watercolor picture based on the artwork.ย  Of course, as I was thinking this I realized I didnโ€™t have the supplies I was thinking of that I wanted to use.ย  Excellent, an excuse to go to JoAnnโ€™sโ€ฆโ€ฆ.ย  And then by the time we finished the story, I decided on a completely different book and activity project: gold medals!

Cleaning Olympics inspired by Koala Lou

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Koala Lou

Koala Lou’s Mom is busy. So busy, she is convinced her Mom doesn’t love her anymore, so she comes up with the perfect way to win her Mother’s love: entering the Bush Olympics!  Is that what it takes to win her Mother’s love?

Supplies for our Koala Lou craft

fun foam, scissors, markers, ribbon (it looks better than yarn), hole punch

Put together your gold medal

our Koala Lou olympic medals

I have zero pictures of the process because I didn’t think of it in time.

Free-hand a circle and cut it out.

Then draw a figure heroically competing.

Punch a hole in your medal and thread the ribbon through it.

As you can see almost everyone is pretty proud of their final results.

And, if youโ€™re going to have a gold medal you need the Olympics to go with it, so I present:


Future Ticia 2021 says I have no clue how I changed it into that font when I originally wrote this, but I rather like that font.

cleaning for the cleaning olympics with koala lou

Yes, I am the crazy Mom who makes cleaning into a game.  We had the Clothes putting away race.  The pick-up toys slalom.  And the horribly competitive find all the trash relay.

I present to you the winners:

Cleaning Olympics with Koala Lou

Batman got a gold medal for his inspired picking up of clothes.
Superman received the gold for his amazing picking up of trash, including stealing trash from my hands to be able to throw away more.
Batman squeaked ahead to get the gold for most toys put away.
And Princess, who mainly lay down and complained she was too tired, got the gold for complaining.
There you have it, our family Olympics.  It was truly awe-inspiring.

Cleaning Olympics Koala Lou book and activity kinder Australia preschool

Coming back and reading our Koala Lou craft post 11 years later makes me smile as I look at the smiling little kids. I’ve used variations on this idea from time to time again to inspire a lot of cleaning.

More fun for kids


12 responses to “Cleaning Olympics Inspired by Koala Lou!”

  1. What a creative idea – it's really convenient sometimes to have more than one competitor in the house ๐Ÿ™‚ “I'm too tired” complaints happen here often enough, especially when it's cleaning time.

  2. MaryAnne Avatar

    Clean-up Olympics – brilliant! Definitely something we'll be doing at our house, thanks for the idea =)

  3. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    I like the gold for complaining – that would be a heated competition with a couple of mine!

  4. mamamin Avatar

    That is ingenious! We will try that next time as dd loves to compete with us!

  5. Great idea to make cleaning into a game evem though your daughter didn't fall for it lol. My daughter always wants to help me clean but when it comes to her toys, its a challenge. It starts out with her putting everything in the box with me but then she decides to start taking them all out again before we are done.

  6. Our Country Road Avatar
    Our Country Road

    I love your Olympics! I think I need to host them here at our house ๐Ÿ™‚ I have an award for you on my blog

  7. Mama to 3 Blessings Avatar
    Mama to 3 Blessings

    This is hillarious! What a cute idea! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. What a great idea! I love the medals!

  9. sbswtp Avatar

    Totally loving the clean up Olympics!!!

  10. Lil' Ms. P Avatar
    Lil’ Ms. P

    Don't you love how a little competition can be such a motivator and make the everyday chores into a fun game. Love it!

  11. The cleaning Olympics- Love it!!!

  12. Michelle Avatar

    Love Love Love clean up Olympics!!!

    Thank you for linking up to stART this week :0)

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