Tag: 2nd grade

  • Amphibians and Reptiles unit

    Amphibians and Reptiles unit



    I think an amphibians and reptiles unit is one of the most fun science lessons with little guys because it’s so easy to become a field trip.  You just load up and head to the nearest pet store and spend a long time watching the snakes and turtles climb around. A perfect field trip if…

  • Zoology for kids

    Zoology for kids



    Zoology is a favorite subject with elementary kids.  They love to watch animals, go to the zoo, act like animals, and will watch endless animal movies. Or maybe that’s just my kids?  Either way I’m discovering I’ve got dozens of animal and zoology for kids posts. Future Ticia 2024 wants to add that our elementary…

  • Laura Numeroff writing lesson

    Laura Numeroff writing lesson

    As a teacher, I loved working with Laura Numeroff’s books. The kids loved listening to her books and the antics of the different animals. In my second year of teaching I got a stuffed animal of her Mouse from the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie books. Now that I have my own kids…

  • Pasta Dinosaur Dig

    Pasta Dinosaur Dig



    Hi! This is Future Ticia 2024, and I’m updating this post and thought I’d pop in to start and say a few things about our pasta dinosaur dig to warn you. This was written back in the dark ages of the internet back in 2011, so my original pictures are small, and not that great.…

  • Picture books made into movies

    Picture books made into movies

    I love picture books, even when my kids were in high school I would occasionally check out picture books that did a good job of conveying what I wanted them to learn in a lesson. I also love Books made into movies, but when my kids were the age we would have really done this,…