Tag: 4th grade

  • Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night

    Best Christmas Pageant Ever book and a movie night

    If you haven’t read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, then you need to right now.  You will not regret it. As soon as I found out it was a book and a movie, I had to do this. HAD TO.  I listed it as one of my favorites on my Christmas books post last year.…

  • Gilgamesh lesson

    Gilgamesh lesson

    Sometimes you have a lesson that the first time you teach it, you have a mild interest in it, and then something catches your interest and suddenly you are much more interested in it. That’s what happened with our Gilgamesh lesson. The first time I taught Ancient History back in Kindergarten, I barely even registered…

  • Astronomy ideas for kids

    Astronomy ideas for kids



    We are getting set to start astronomy for our science lessons this year, and so I’m organizing my hands on astronomy ideas from pinterest into something usable, and you get the benefit of that. Hi! Future Ticia 2023 here. I came in to update this post and thought it was my Astronomy landing page. In…

  • Astronomy Unit

    Astronomy Unit



    A few years ago we studied astronomy for our homeschool science lessons, and I think I finally have it all blogged about.  We’ll see with the way my organization skills are I will find something buried deep down on my computer.  We had a blast with our astronomy lessons and there were so many fun…

  • 4th-grade books made into movies

    4th-grade books made into movies

    As I grabbed the books to take a picture of the 4th-grade books made into movies, I was amazed at how many really cool books made into movies there are on this list. Some of my favorites, and definitely some of the more accurate to the book movies. (there are affiliate links in here) 4th-grade…