Tag: africa

  • Benin Unit

    Benin Unit

    Sometimes when I’m doing these geography units something vividly stands out. Sometimes, I only remember bits and pieces, and then there are countries like Benin, where it’s slowly all coming back to me as I type up this post, but it’s all run together in my mind. Sigh, clearly this is why it’s important to…

  • Botswana Unit

    Botswana Unit

    As I write up our Botswana Unit I had to go back and review it because we completed this over a year ago. I guess it’s kind of nice that I like watching the Geography Now videos because I happily watch them when we’re not doing our geography lessons. (there are affiliate links in here)…

  • Burkina Faso

    Burkina Faso

    I knew pretty much nothing about Burkina Faso as we started our Burkina Faso unit, primarily because I hated geography when I was in school. My 6th grade geography unit was horribly done, and primarily consisted of all the incredibly boring stuff about countries, nothing that made it interesting, like their culture or fun facts.…

  • Africa Unit

    Africa Unit

    Sometimes we form odd associations. There is this absolutely silly video of countries playing Risk at the end of the video the different countries playing all decide to invade Africa, because that’s what all of Europe did in the 1800s. I’m not really sure why it didn’t happen until the 1800s. But now whenever I…

  • Eritrea Unit

    Eritrea Unit

    Our study of Eritrea was not a happy one. I know, this is a strange way to start off the post, but sometimes geography lessons make me sad when I learn about the country. Our Eritrea Unit made me sad because there are so many things that could be going great with the country, but…