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Tag: Bible sensory bin
Jesus Feeds the 5000 sensory bin
As I’m working to expand my Bible lessons so that each lesson provides everything you need to teach that lesson from preschool up through maybe middle school (I certainly hope those older kid questions do that). One thing I wanted to do was create a sensory bin to go with each lesson, but how to…
Jesus at the temple sensory bin
As I thought about how to make a Jesus at the temple sensory bin, I wondered just what I would really want in a sensory bin like that. I want it to contribute to the Bible lesson, but I also don’t want it to just be a rehash of other Bible sensory bins. (there are…
Fall of Man Sensory Bin
I’m growing to love sensory bins. They can be a great way to explore different concepts, and let kids play with a story more. I’m still trying to figure out different fillers to use with this, but it’s a fun project to think through. When I created the Fall of Man Sensory Bin, I thought…
Cain and Abel sensory bin
When I was planning my Bible lessons, I figured out I had 104 lessons over two years, subtract 12 lessons for Christmas and Easter each year, and that made 92 lessons. That meant I combined the Fall of Man and Cain and Abel lessons into one UBER Fall of Man lesson. Now as I’m working…
Creation Story Sensory Bin
There is something captivating about running your fingers through rice or some other small material. I totally understand why sensory bins are so popular with young kids. I love to run my fingers through them, so I’m sure little kids would love this. That’s why I wanted to figure out some good Bible sensory bin,…