Tag: biology

  • Ocean Animals Book Craft

    Ocean Animals Book Craft



    There are some days you are on top of your Mommy game.  You’ve kept the kids entertained, they’ve learned stuff, and the house is clean.  Okay, I’ve never achieved this last one, but I achieved the first two with this ocean animals book craft as part of homeschooling preschool. (there are affiliate links in here)…

  • The BEST Animal Report minibook for beginning writers

    The BEST Animal Report minibook for beginning writers



    Almost 10 years ago I started researching the different states here in the United States to see what made each one different as we were studying them. I was amused to discover every state had a state animal, and we started studying the animals. This led to the need for a quick and easy way…

  • Birds Unit

    Birds Unit



    I think of all of our science lessons this was one of my kids’ favorite biology units.  They loved our birds unit because it afforded them so many opportunities to make things and to act out what they learned. (there are affiliate links in here) Some Bird unit inspiration and resources I’m just going to…

  • Growing Up Wild Missions Curriculum

    Growing Up Wild Missions Curriculum

    Storytime! Growing up I would carefully go through the CBD catalog and pick out books and DVDs I wanted for Christmas, and then I’d wait to see what my Mom picked out of the various items I’d found. One year when my kids were little, she handed them a CBD catalog and asked them to…

  • Science labs for high school

    Science labs for high school



    Y’all my kids are in high school and I’ve discovered science labs are much more difficult than our labs in elementary and middle school. Elementary science lessons were easy, “Go grab the baking soda and the vinegar, and let’s go!” Now I need actual equipment for our science labs, and I can’t complete science lessons…