Tag: grocery store science

  • How to make a candy spine

    How to make a candy spine



    Can I just say I got some strange things as I tried searching “candy spine?”  Oh, and this was a very popular science lesson, something about the crazy sugar high they were on after making AND eating the silly candy spine thing made it one of our most popular anatomy lessons of the year. {This…

  • Science Sunday: Can you bake cookies in the car?



      I’ve had “bake cookies in the car” on my to do list for years.  Ever since I saw a news report on “How to bake cookies in the car” back in college.  Then I saw someone had written an entire book on how to bake cookies in the car, and your entire dinner in…

  • Science Sunday: For real Water and Air Pressure



        So, obviously I never got that post fixed last week.  First I was wrongly reported as having malware, so I had to work on that.  Then I had two very hyper little girls who wanted lots of attention.  LOTS of it. THE QUESTION: Why does the water stay in the straw when you…

  • Science Sunday: Why are our bones strong?



    After much talking and debating among my three children they decided to go with Land Animals for our next science to study.  But, Superman really wanted to learn about skeletons, I think that’s the only reason he was looking at the Anatomy notebook because it had a skeleton on the front.  Seriously.   I made…

  • Shrimp Nature Study

    Shrimp Nature Study



    Hi! Future Ticia 2024 here, I’m updating this post and realized I have two different shrimp nature studies on my blog. The first shrimp nature study was from a grocery store visit, and the second that this post started out as came from a serendipitious discovery at a sushi restaurant. So I’m combining the two…