Tag: Industrial Revolution

  • Casey Jones unit

    Casey Jones unit

    Hi! Future Ticia 2024 here, I’m updating this post and combining it with an older Casey Jones unit we did when the kids were in Kindergarten. The old unit was a lot of fun, but the post is old, the pictures are terrible, and rewriting the post gave me a great excuse to watch the…

  • North Carolina: The Flyers, Wright brothers

      “The Flyers” is a very cute book with several kids who have been watching Orville and Wilbur Wright trying to fly.  Each of the kids dreams about what might happen sometime in the future if they are successful.   Most of their dreams have come true, not always how they were thinking.  The back…

  • Thomas Edison lesson

    Thomas Edison lesson

    Does anyone else confuse Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein in their heads?  I know they’re two completely separate people, but I keep confusing their names. I have no clue why, which can make for some very confusing history lessons for the poor kids I’m teaching. And I would be remiss if I didn’t add this…

  • Wright Brothers lesson

    Wright Brothers lesson

    The Wright Brothers first flew in North Carolina, it’s on their license plates and everything, this means when we studied North Carolina I had to create a Wright Brothers lesson and have a fun bit of history lesson and a fun science lesson as we tried to create our own flight. Only it didn’t quite…