Tag: main dish

  • Ghana Unit

    Ghana Unit

    I always try to find a picture from each country that I write about. This can be challenging because I want to find something that represents that country and frequently what we think of is cultural dress, but I don’t want to picture the people, and I don’t want to fall into stereotypes. I ran…

  • Germany Unit

    Germany Unit

    We studied Germany a couple of different times in our geography lessons. We studied it first when the kids were little as part of a Christmas Around the World Unit. Then we made a delicious meal, and finally we did a mad dash through Europe in high school. Now in 2025, years after we completed…

  • Syria Unit

    Syria Unit

    I was going through my emails to find a recipe and saw my Syria unit recipe and thought, ‘Why do I still have this email? I already wrote this,’ then I came over here to discover, no I never actually wrote my Syria unit. I just thought I had written it. So years ago we…

  • Tunisia Unit

    Tunisia Unit

    For some reason, Tunisia has always seemed exotic to me. I think it’s because it gets brief mentions in older movies, or they’ll film there to find alien landscapes (cough Star Wars cough cough). Either way, our Tunisia Unit was a great way for me to learn more about Tunisia than the vague memories I…

  • Gambia Unit

    Gambia Unit

    When I studied the various countries I really should have written a date on the country so I would know what grade to put them in. That is completely unrelated to our Gambia Unit, but I’m staring at my notes and what we did on Gambia and the big thing I’m getting from my notes…