Tag: marriage

  • How an oatmeal soak showed true love

    Today, Jeff and I have been married for 16 years. I don’t really have a big emotional post to write with this, because I’ve already said a lot about what a wonderful man I’ve married. I just wanted to celebrate. I do have a short story for you. A little over a week ago, I…

  • What makes a great husband

    What makes a great husband

    Today is my wedding anniversary.  We have been married 14 years today.  Jeff always has to correct me because I keep trying to add a year, which amuses him to no end.  The trend among bloggers is to write a marriage advice post with the number of tips for the number of years you’ve been…

  • Choose Your Own Adventure Date Night

    Choose Your Own Adventure Date Night

    Did you ever read the “Choose Your Own Adventure” books as kids?  I did, and I always had fun seeing what was the most unusual story I could come up with for the adventure.  When I made the “Year ‘O’ Dates” present a few years ago, I included a Choose Your Own Adventure Date Night…

  • Treasure Hunt Date Night

    Treasure Hunt Date Night

    The other day a few of us blogging wives were talking about how hard it is to get in a good date with your husband.  We’re all busy, most all of us have young kids that require babysitting, and many of us are on one income, so money is an issue.   We decided in…

  • A Valentine’s Present for your husband

    Last year I made a “Year ‘O Dates” for my husband.  I had intended to repost it earlier this year so people would have a fun idea to make for their husband, we’ve been enjoying them, when we remember them.  We actually have one coming up in a few days (provided no one’s sick, we’ve…