Tag: math games

  • Math Gameschooling

    Math Gameschooling



    Math is probably the easiest skill to work on in gameschooling.  Almost every game has dice involved and you’re having to do simple addition in your head.  Because of that, I’m going to leave out obvious ones like Clue because it does not specifically work on a math skill. {some of these are affiliate links}…

  • Learn multiplication and have fun with Say Cheese Cafe

    Learn multiplication and have fun with Say Cheese Cafe

    I have rather tedious memories of learning my multiplication tables.  Endless rounds of flash cards, and lots of repetition.  Tedious mind-numbing repetition.  I know it was necessary, but that doesn’t make it fun.  I want learning to be fun when it can.  Enter our new multiplication game.  It’s earned a place in our homeschool math…

  • Practice math addition facts with this fun game

    Practice math addition facts with this fun game

    I’m always trying to find great ways to practice our homeschool math because I don’t tend to make math fun.  Actually, I pretty much say “Get out your book and complete the problems,” that’s it.  So, when I find a game that is actually fun and doesn’t just add two dice together, I’m pretty happy. …

  • How to Teach Hands on Math



    In many ways I think math is one of the easiest subjects to make hands on.  You use math for cooking, you use it for most games, and in so many other areas. How to Teach Hands on Math activities Look for real life uses of the area you’re using.  Look for shapes in your…

  • Real Life Homeschooling: Allowance Game and making money

    Real Life Homeschooling: Allowance Game and making money

    As I was thinking about what to write for Real Life Homeschooling this month I realized my kids have been obsessed with money recently.  Obsessed may be a little extreme for a word, but they have certainly had it on their minds, so I’m here to talk to you about a fun bit of gameschooling.…