Tag: musings

  • Goals and planning for 2015

    It’s all over the blog world, what are your goals for 2015?  What do you plan to do this coming year, and I’ve been trying to think over this. Last year I came up with a word for the year, gazelle.  And while I was going to be a gazelle, I still ended up as…

  • How blogging is a blessing to my family

    I have been blogging to some extent or another for about 5 years now.  Since my boys were that little, awww, look at the quiet sleeping boys.  They’re not quiet now. In that time blogging has become a true blessing to my family.  I’ve seen many posts written about the dangers and terrible things that…

  • Stand out from the crowd, look for college alternatives

    My kids are finally at the point I feel they’ve mastered the basics of reading, and that’s gotten me thinking about the long term.  Especially as I talk with my friend Amanda, her kids are in high school and thinking about college, and how expensive college is.  Mostly they’re thinking of how to get scholarships.…

  • My word and goals for the year

    I’ve been seeing all sorts of homeschooling blogs I read share their “word for the year,” I think it came from a blogging conference someone went to, or who knows, but they’re all big important words.   FOCUS, DILIGENT, GRACE, PEACE, STILLNESS, and the list goes on and on.  They create these amazing pictures to…

  • Why being unique makes a good parent

    So let me tell you 10 incredibly nerdy things about me I have been to 5 Star Trek conventions, a couple of which were in costume I own a 3-D chess set from Star Trek. I collect comic books, and can tell you in great detail where comic book movies deviate from their inspiration.  I…