Tag: New Testament letters

  • Dig into the New Testament with fun lessons!

    Dig into the New Testament with fun lessons!

    I don’t tend to do a lot of lessons for the New Testament letters lessons for kids in my Sunday School class because most kids are still concrete thinkers, but there are a few topics that kids relate to very well.  So, I’ve got those lessons built into my Family Bible Curriculum, and I’m working…

  • What is going to happen when the world ends? 2 Thessalonians lesson

    What is going to happen when the world ends? 2 Thessalonians lesson

    A few weeks ago we took a brief dip in our homeschool Bible lessons into the book of 2 Thessalonians.  I’ll freely admit this was in preparation for our Sunday School lesson, and let me work out the best way to teach my 2 Thessalonians lesson to the kids.  It’s a tricky book, and not…

  • Jesus wrote a letter to the church. What did He have to say?

    Jesus wrote a letter to the church. What did He have to say?

    Every Saturday morning Jeff takes the kids out for breakfast, and I sleep in.  They grab their Bibles, and work their way through a book of the Bible.  Right now they are working through Revelation because Superman decided that is his favorite book of the Bible.  Then last week our Sunday School class went through…

  • What is the body of Christ?  Am I a part of it?

    What is the body of Christ? Am I a part of it?



    It’s been a few months since I’ve done a homeschool Bible lesson.  I’ll admit that’s because as the kids get older they’ve headed more and more towards independent reading and study. But, in Sunday School I’m supposed to be teaching the Gospel Project lessons, so I’m prepping new stuff now.  This led to the question,…

  • Revelation Sunday School lesson

    Revelation Sunday School lesson

    We have come to the FINAL Bible lesson in our two-year cycle.  Or it would be two years if I’d posted every single week just like I teach every single week in my Sunday School class.  And, I’m gonna have to go back and add in some stuff I didn’t get posted at the time,…