Tag: North America

  • West Virginia Unit

    West Virginia Unit

    As I write these posts I try to find pictures that capture the idea of the state. There is no specific “this location says West Virginia,” instead I think of rolling mountains covered in trees, and I start hearing a sort of vague blue grass song in my head that I don’t even really know…

  • Iowa Unit

    Iowa Unit

    Through the years we’ve tried many variations on our geography lesson and when the kids were little we did an Iowa Unit with the kids because their aunt was moving to Iowa, and then we did a slightly more formal version when we studied United States Geography as the states entered the union. Then when…

  • Connecticut Unit

    Connecticut Unit

    Every time I type the word Connecticut I think, “Connect I cut.” I know this is silly, but it’s helped me remember how to spell the state every time I start writing. We first studied Connecticut way back when the kids were little, but somehow I never wrote about our Connecticut Unit then, so now…

  • Honduras Unit

    Honduras Unit

    I was looking through pictures online to see what I could find for a great picture for this post. I wanted to find something that would say, “This is Honduras.” I scrolled and scrolled and finally found the Macaws, I don’t know why it just screamed, hello, here is Honduras, but it did. I now…

  • Canada unit

    Canada unit

    Hi Future Ticia 2023 here, actually I’m republishing this in 2023, so it’s just present Ticia. Almost 10 years ago we had a Canada Unit, but kids being kids they didn’t remember much, and so when we reached high school we studied Canada again in our geography lessons. Now I return you to past Ticia,…