Tag: Poppins Book Nook

  • Journey to Mars

    My son Batman is obsessed with space, he’s the entire reason we are studying astronomy this year.  For the past several years he’s been checking out a book called,Touchdown Mars!(affiliate link), and so it was natural we’d use that for our book for Poppins Book Nook this month. This book became an especially good choice…

  • Using picture books to teach writing

    Several years ago I mentioned using picture books to teach writing, but I wanted to show you a specific lesson so you can better understand the why’s and how’s of using picture books this way.  And since the theme for Poppin’s Book Nook this month is Wild, Wild West I decided to use some fractured…

  • When I grow up writing assignment

    I have to admit I struggled for this month’s Poppins Book Nook idea.  When I grow up is a hard one because my kids’ ideas are all unlikely.  Their current plan is to open a breakfast restaurant together because they are good at cooking breakfast.  Princess will make toast.  Batman will make oatmeal, and Superman…

  • Vacation journal for kids

    This month the theme for Poppins Book Nook is “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles,”  I’d planned this big long Lego building theme, and then my entire family taking turns getting sick, and an emergency room visit for a toe that wasn’t broken, but sure hurt a lot, changed my plans.  Instead, I thought I’d give you…

  • Jack and the Beanstalk Unit (Poppins Book Nook)

    I love fairy tales, I think fairy tales are a lot of fun to read.  I currently on MY bookshelves, not the kid one, have 3 bookshelves dedicated to fractured fairy tales.  When I heard this was one of the themes I got so excited, and then the summer of crazy business happened, and it…