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Tag: sewing
Belt pouch tutorial
On the rare occasion I post about arts and crafts on this site, on an ever rarer occasion I post about Mommy crafts, which usually means sewing because I like to sew. This is that blue moon where I share a sewing tutorial, today it’s a belt pouch, and you’ll get a small glimpse into…
Teaching your child to sew: sew a zipped bag
Princess loves to do projects. I have small mountains of papers that she has colored. Small mountains. She is constantly bringing me new things she’s made. So, one of the more recent times we sewed together I showed her how to make a zipped bag. (Mommy steps will be bolded) First pick out some trim,…
How to make a Rapunzel wig
My daughter loves Rapunzel. If you asked her about it, she’d go into a silly Rapunzel chant about her love of it. I’ve already made her a Rapunzel dress, which she has pretty much worn nonstop for the past year or so. But I wanted the complete costume, so she needed a wig. …
Creation story game
If this seems like a familiar topic it’s because I’ve taught it a couple of times before. First, because we did My Father’s World, and then because of Mystery of History. This time it’s because we’re starting a 2-year trek through the Bible with our Bible lessons and my kids get to be the guinea pigs…
How to make a Rapunzel dress from scratch
You’ve probably seen Princess in her Rapunzel dress before on my blog. We have to trick her into taking it off and letting us wash it. Jeff and I had been discussing how I should make her another one soon. And then Jeff took Princess out for breakfast and went with her to Target where…