Tag: Virginia

  • Taking a carriage ride

    On Princess’ list of things to do since we got here: TAKE A CARRAIGE RIDE, well she’s only young enough to really want to do this once, so we decided to let her do it. First we had to pet the horses and take some time to enjoy them.   Then we rode around town…

  • More hands on stuff at Williamsburg

    I can tell I’m going to run out of creative ways to title these posts.  Though, I’ve been told creative titles are not all that useful for when people are searching for your blog.  Oh well….. Today was cold, wet, and rainy.  ALL day long.  That did mean that the city was mostly empty.  It…

  • happy sigh, Colonial Williamsburg

    So, about 6 years ago Jeff and I came here while his parents watched the kids.  I was pregnant with Princess at the time, and at that perfect stage where you’re not feeling too sick, but you’re not too big yet.  It was a fabulous week of spending an insanely large amount of time wandering…

  • A nice calm day of nothing

    You know after driving cross country Superman impressed us by getting sand in his hair within 5 minutes of getting on the beach.  They all impressed us with their tenacity in playing in what I deemed “freezing cold weather,” there is a reason I don’t live up North.   How the boys could play in…

  • How the Civil War hurt more than just the soldiers

    How the Civil War hurt more than just the soldiers

    Once upon a time I promised to make a blanket for a friend.  I very quickly discovered it was more of an undertaking than I realized, and looked for ways to get out of the work. I kept my promise, but only barely. I was reminded of this story as I read The Promise Quilt…