Tag: World War 1

  • All Quiet on the Western Front book club

    All Quiet on the Western Front book club

    This is one of those books that I read in high school and really hoped to have nothing further to do with it. I was not planning on assigning All Quiet on the Western Front for a book and a movie, but when my kids had their rebellion against reading The Great Gatsby, they all…

  • World War 1 resources

    World War 1 resources

    I find World War 1 both fascinating, and sad at the same time. This was a war started because everyone was itching for a fight, and in the end, nothing was resolved well. It’s a modern war we don’t tend to talk about too much because there are no clear bad guys. World War II…

  • World War 1 movies

    World War 1 movies

    I get asked for movie suggestions for different time periods rather frequently. I’ve answered the question of what World War 1 movies to watch so many times I could have sworn I’d written about this. However, that must have been one of those, “I did it in my mind, not in reality” moments. Since we…

  • Explore the trenches of World War 1 with this activity

    Explore the trenches of World War 1 with this activity

    A few weeks ago in a blogging group, we got to talking about outside learning for the summer. Y’all Texas summer is hot, like it was over 100 last week for several days. Instantly I knew whatever I volunteered had to be outside, and then I remembered this World War 1 trench warfare lesson from…

  • Hands on History: World War 1 unit

    Hands on History: World War 1 unit

    The War to End All Wars, that’s how everyone talked about World War 1 when it happened.  You could practically see the capital letters when it was said. And yet, that’s not what World War 1 was.  It was just practice for our next World War a generation later.  I’m not too sure the right…