Tag: writing

  • Write your plague journal

    Write your plague journal

    I give this a silly name, but we’re studying the Netherlands right now, and Anne Frank is from there. I’ve been reading all about how she heard of how she was living in times that would be studied in history books, and she went through and revised the start of her diary, and wrote with…

  • Writeshop Writing curriculum Review

    Writeshop Writing curriculum Review

    Last year I went to the homeschool convention to do two things: 1. attend as many high school workshops as possible and 2. Pick a new Homeschool Writing curriculum for high school. I walked up and down every aisle, and by the end of the first day, I had narrowed my picks down to Writeshop…

  • Launch your NaNoWriMo book with this character description

    Launch your NaNoWriMo book with this character description

    Princess and I are working on NaNoWriMo, and continuing to figure out how to do NaNoWriMo in homeschool. Right now, I’m working on characterization. In particular how to describe characters. This all came about because I was rereading what I’d written so far and I realized on one page I described the character as blonde…

  • How to conduct an interview

    How to conduct an interview

    A few years ago we worked through the Cover Story writing curriculum for our writing lessons.  One of the bigger projects was to conduct an interview, and I worked with the kids quite a bit on how to conduct an interview. ^^^^ Obviously not my ginormous kids, but one boy conducted his interview with his…

  • How to write the Unexpected Twist

    How to write the Unexpected Twist

    I love teaching with picture books. They have so many great projects you can do with them. I can just hear you now, “That’s right Ticia, I love to use picture books with my six-year-old!” I loved that too, but I’m talking about picture books with my older kids. Picture books are the perfect way…