Texas: rattlesnakes

Everyone in Texas learns to recognize rattlers.  They really aren’t as common as it looks like from movies, but it still pays to be prepared if you’re going to be walking around in the grass and fields.  We’ve got a couple of nasty snakes that are local, and rattlesnakes is one of them.


But snake stories are fun.  Snakes are intriguing.  As evidenced by Superman carrying around a stuffed snake for one of his favorite toys.  Which apparently I have no pictures of…….

Texas projects

In Diamond Jim Dandy and the Sheriff a rattlesnake comes to town and the local sheriff isn’t too pleased with this.  He keeps telling the rattlesnake to leave even though it’s playing nicely, but in the end he discovers maybe the snake isn’t so bad after all……

Diamond Jim Rattlesnake book

After reading that fun book we decided to write what our rattlesnake can do using the printable up above.  I suppose we could also have used the fact and fiction printable, but this seemed more fun.

Texas rattlesnakes

Quick tip: I highlighted where they were supposed to cut to help them know what to cut.



Then we got to writing and drawing.  Since we’re doing lots of projects I only required one sentence.


I learned that Batman thinks snakes can do kung fu, which was on his mind because we would be leaving for that soon after the activity.


Superman’s can do through walls.


And for whatever reason Princess’ is missing.  She’s rather squirrelly with her stuff not wanting anyone to see it until it’s “perfect.”  I don’t always understand her definition of perfect.


What’s your favorite snake book?  I think this one is cute, but I’m eagerly looking forward to sharing The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash with the kids.  I just haven’t had a good excuse to throw it in our studies yet.  SOMEDAY, someday I will get you in there, and the kids will LOVE YOU!  YES LOVE YOU I SAY!


4 responses to “Texas: rattlesnakes”

  1. Racking my mind now for a snake book… Oh! Crictor!

  2. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I think I would be VERY afraid of a Kung Fu practicing snake!

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