They finally got to build their bears

This is why they were so excited to go on this trip.  Forget anything else, when do we get to make our own bear Mommy?

Can you imagine a fight here?  Princess wasn’t convinced of the type of bear, but finally settled on a puppy.  Grudgingly.

The little stinkers grabbed a couple of hearts for their bears.  So, those bears have lots of love in them.

A lot of love.  Can you see the grin on Superman’s face?  Seriously happy!

And very very clean.  They scrubbed those guys!

Then very carefully dressed.  With much deliberation.  Then much begging for a lot more outfits and accessories.  A $35 car for a bear, ummm….. no.  Sorry guys.  Golf clubs?  I will end up stepping on them and breaking them, and then there will be many tears.

Three happy customers.  The boys haven’t let their bears out of their sight.  Princess…….  She’s not as attached, I almost wonder if we should have let her pick the one that looks more like a dog, but can’t really wear outfits.

Oh the second-guessing.

Finished bears, complete with hamming it up:


16 responses to “They finally got to build their bears”

  1. Discovering Montessori Avatar
    Discovering Montessori

    What fun! I am really happy for them.

  2. Joyful Learner Avatar
    Joyful Learner

    Hey, wait a minute! I was hoping to see all their stuffed animals after they were dressed. Princess looks so sad. Maybe she can go back and make another? JC has two bears “Swimmy” because she likes to swim and “Builda” because he likes to build. It was funny because all the other kids named their bears real names like Noel or Jack.

  3. I know, they got them boxed up before I was able to get a picture of them with their bears all dressed. I finished getting Princess' puppy with the birth certificate and then Jeff had already paid and they were boxed up. I'll get a picture of them with it today, and add that to the post.

  4. Debbie Avatar

    You must share pictures of their finished bears! We were so disapointed when we took Selena to have her make her own bear, and the only shop near us had gone out of business.

  5. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Luckily, my children have never heard of such a thing – it sounds like they'd bankrupt us!

    I love the happy face though, he looks really thrilled.

  6. Christy Avatar

    We have never done this. There is a store in the mall that we go to in Providence, but my husband has not given in yet! So, my kids are hoping that they will either get an invitation to a Build A Bear birthday party or receive a gift certificate! We shall see.

    I can't wait to see the finished bears.

  7. My daughter loves BAB! How fun!

  8. Little Lizard King Avatar
    Little Lizard King

    Such fun!! Just so you know, we will never introduce my daughter to American Girl. Build A Bear – different story…

  9. Cute pictures! My mom brought Anna into “build-a-bear” place when she was staying with them, but Anna was not in the least interested. Lucky too – we have way too many stuffed friends who are exiled for various reasons to our bedroom. She only cares for her favorite kitty.

  10. What a “beary” special day! (So sorry, I couldn't resist…)

  11. MaryAnne Avatar

    Ah, the second-guessing of parenthood! At least the boys love their bears =)

  12. It looks like they had so much fun doing it. A long family vacation that includes the San Diego Zoo and the highlight was building a bear…yep, sounds like young kids. 😉 You are such a fun mom!

  13. Phyllis Avatar

    They look so happy. I remember when my daughter made hers (a horse) back when they first came out. She still has hers on her bed and she is heading towards 19!

  14. I'll have to pop back soon to see if you have had a chance to put up a picture of the finished bears.

    I have recently heard of a “make a bear” place that has opened here in Australia – my cherubs would get such a thrill out of this.

    How exciting to put your very own bear together.

  15. Pathfinder Mom Avatar
    Pathfinder Mom

    Glad that they all had fun in the end!

    We've only done BAB once – Tornado Boy has a really snazzy Frosty the Snowman from there. It's crazy how much you can drop in there – I was very thankful that we came armed with a gift card!

  16. Gabriele Avatar

    TOO cute!! We love BAB…I better not let L see the Buzz Lightyear outfits for the bears 😉 He already has a cat and a dog that he's made in the past, so I could probably talk him into JUST the outfit, LOL!! LOVE their bears!!

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