Travel pictures

Here’s what I’ve noticed from driving cross-country with kids.



Kids can sleep in any position.











Don’t give your son chocolate bars in the car.  He will be quite proud of this.










Large numbers of books to read are always a good thing.   Oh, and always wear cowboy boots on trips.










You can always entertain yourself by drumming on your backpack.




Oh, and pre-schoolers need to go potty at least once an hour, unless they’re asleep.


9 responses to “Travel pictures”

  1. Hi, hope it's OK to contact you here. We would love to include your blog on our giveaway search engine: Giveaway Scout ( Have a look and if interested, use our online form to add your blog ( ). thanks, Josh

  2. An Almost Unschooling Mom Avatar
    An Almost Unschooling Mom

    Not a chocolate bar – NEVER a chocolate bar! 🙂

  3. Oh, the call of the potty- we put a training potty in our van (right behind the adult seats) so our little kiddos could use it on trips (we have bladder control issues).

    May not be the safest way to travel, but it sure keeps us from having to stop as often…

  4. Debbie Avatar

    I think some of the potty calls can be, “I want out of the car calls” None the less they make traveling fun!

  5. Christy Avatar

    I am always amazed by kids sleeping in uncomfortable positions. AND, they are never sore when they wake up!

  6. That seatbelt looks sooo uncomfortable! Kids are like putty 🙂

  7. MaryAnne Avatar

    Great job capturing the essence of traveling with young children! Good use of the seatbelt by Batman or Superman (can't tell them apart) to keep his head from lolling forward while sleeping =)

  8. Too funny about potty – it can definitely make travel with three kids entertaining. I love the picture of Princess entertaining herself.

  9. Virginia Lee Avatar
    Virginia Lee

    Love this post! Chocolate in the car, ahhh! The seat belt picture is great, wish I could sleep that well.

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