What Can be Learned from Role Playing Games

what do we learn from role playing games

A few weeks ago half of our normal gaming group was out of town.


Jeff decided to finally let all 7 kids have a chance to play in their own campaign.

Two of them decided not to.

what can be learned from role-playing games

They opted to play dress up and do each other’s hair.  There are times I don’t know where she gets it from.  This would be one of those times.


Jeff designed characters for everyone.

role playing as a learning

And the kids spent the night learning all sorts of things that you’re not going to learn as well from a text book.

What can be learned from role playing games?

lessons learned from role playing

The importance of knowing your math facts quickly.  If you can’t add and subtract you don’t know how much damage you’ve done or they’ve done to you.

Lessons learned from role playing

The value of being able to read a map and understand where things are in relation to you.

Lessons learned from role playing

How to solve problems without fighting.  We discovered Superman is very good at finding out information and talking to people.


lessons learned from role playing

Thinking strategically.  If you’re outnumbered in a fight how will you still win it?  Okay, you’re not likely to be in a fight, but you are likely to have problems that need solving.



10 responses to “What Can be Learned from Role Playing Games”

  1. I think you are brave to start so young…ours were teens before we started them with RPGs.

    1. Thanks! I was amazed at how well the boys did with it. I don’t think we’ll be doing it too often, but they really enjoyed it over all.

  2. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    I’m impressed that your boys will play games like this so young. Johnny is JUST starting to get into games – the girls currently have zero interest. I’ll have to find some fun games for him. Any you especially recommend?

    1. You might look at the preschool games I shared on Friday, he might like some of those. How long is his attention span? If it’s longer than 20 minutes I’d go with Carcassone, because it can be easily adapted for younger kids and can scale all the way up to being an adult.

  3. maryanne @ mama smiles Avatar
    maryanne @ mama smiles

    And thanks for linking up to Learning Laboratory!

  4. Collin would love to play! We haven’t played games like this with him yet. Our current game nights usually include Monopoly, Clue, or Guesstures.

    1. You just have to move out here 🙂
      I loved Clue as a kid, and it’s still one of my favorites as an adult.

  5. I wish we had a big team to play. Lars used to play a lot and can’t wait until Anna is old enough to start playing. Too funny about Princess and her friend opting out.

    1. It’ll happen sooner than you expect. That’s what I’m learning with my kids, it’s always sooner than I expect or am ready for.

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