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The Party Game for Meme Fans
At our most recent small group game day our friends brought their new Christmas game, What Do You Meme? for us to play. It’s a great game to play with a giant mob, and the edition we had, the family edition, is kid-friendly. What Do You Meme can be a great gameschool opportunity.
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What is “What Do You Meme?”
This is a simple party game much like Apple to Apples and a few others like it (we just got another party game with pretty much the same rules).
The size of the group is pretty much only limited by the number of cards you have (and if you’re playing with the adult edition there are a lot of expansions you can buy).
Your goal is to win meme cards by having the best caption for the meme.
How to play What Do You Meme
Each player gets 5 cards with captions on them. There are two different versions of the game. There is the adult version, which has adult humor (sex jokes), and the family edition, with bathroom humor.
One person is the judge, and they pick a photo for everyone to meme.
You look at your cards and pick the best caption based on the picture AND who the judge is.
That is the frustrating part to Jeff and why he doesn’t like these types of games because you can have an answer that is great, but if the judge doesn’t like that answer you’re out. Our particular game was played with quite an age span (4 to adults), which meant you were trying to appeal to very different humor types.
The judge picks the caption they like best, and that person gets the “point”.
Your goal is to get 5 points.
The reason why I won’t be buying a copy for our home
Aside from the fact, the only family we might be playing it with already owns it, so we can just play their copy?
It has a lot of potty humor in the cards. I’m really not a big fan of potty humor, and I’ve passed that on to my kids apparently because they were also grumbling at the choices they had.
Also, like many party games, they’re trying to appeal to the largest common denominator, so many of the jokes made reference to public school events which my kids did not get why it was funny.
How I’d fix my problem with the game
Obviously, I can’t just wave my hand and get rid of all those cards.
I”ll admit in the game we played I tended to play the cards I really didn’t like on the 4-year-old who seemed to pick based on the first one she heard. Or some arbitrary way that I hadn’t figured out yet.
According to the rules, the only way you can discard cards is by turning in one of the points you’ve earned, and then you can only trade in 1 card.
One card, for 1/5 of your win-chance.
I would either allow you to turn it in for your WHOLE hand of bad cards, or allow you to discard 1 card a round and draw two cards that time.
Seriously, towards the end of the game, I had 4 cards I wasn’t willing to play, and 1 card that was mildly funny to me.
It’s not a game for us, but I totally see why others like it, it could be hilarious with the right group.
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2 responses to “The Party Game for Meme Fans”
So you hacked a 4-year-old? Shame on you 😀 I don’t think it would be our game either.
When you put it like that, it really does sound terrible, but since I had no clue what to pick for her, it’s not QUITE as bad as it sounds.
I think I could have blind tossed a card in and had the same chances.
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